Chapter 36: Group meeting in a firey forest! Part 3

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A/N: Let's dive right into the chapter! Enjoy <3

3rd person POV:

   Dark shadow let out a blood curdling roar as he tore through more trees. Mezo and Izuku stood in silence as they watched their friend be consumed by the darkness. Kota tried to stay quiet but couldn't stop crying. He held onto Izuku's Jacket as he sobbed, trembling with fear.

"We have to do something, when the attack happened he lost control of Dark Shadow." Mezo whispers.

"He needs to be brought somewhere light so Tokoyami can regain control!" Izuku mumbles dodging an attack made by the dark beast.

"I-" Mezo starts but is interrupted by the sight of a wall of ice.

"I have a plan, we can use Dark shadow to help fight some of the villains while we run to trap him in light." Izuku whispers.

"Alright, let's give it a shot." Mezo stands up from his kneeling position.

"COME THIS WAY DARK SHADOW! TOKOYAMI DON'T HOLD BACK WE HAVE A PLAN, FRIEND!" Mezo shouts as he runs away from a swing of Dark shadow's arm.

   Dark shadow screeches and chases after the two teens that are now making quite a commotion. They lead Dark shadow right to the spot where Shoto and Moonfish are battling. Shoto is cornered by his own ice and Moonfish. Dark shadow sees the villain and knocks him down.

"FL-Flesh!" Moonfish screeches, sending his teeth out at Dark shadow who simply crushes the villain.

"Tokoyami." Shoto looks at the beast that is his friend.

"Todoroki we have to-" Izuku starts to speak, cradling Kota who's tears have only grown more intense.

"I understand." Shoto sends his flames into the air, avoiding any trees, to create light.

"Ugh..." Fumikage groans as he retakes control of himself.

"Thank you, I apologize for losing control." Fumikage looks at his friends.

"It's alright, let's start heading back to camp though. The main building should be safe." Mezo picks up Fumikage and puts him back on his feet.

"We need to hurry, that villain I was fighting said he was after you." Shoto points at Izuku.

"After... me? That's what Muscular was getting at earlier." Izuku holds Kota tightly.

"Muscular? You mean that insane villain from a few years ago, you saw him?" Mezo looks worried.

"Yeah, that's why I ran from him, I know I can't fight him so I needed to find either Snipe or Eraserhead or any adult that has a quirk who could take him out easily." Izuku wipes some tears from Kota's face.

"Then we don't have time to stand around and talk, we have to go." Shoto says as he starts to jog down the path.

"Right!" They agree and jog after him, hopeful to find rest or someone who could help.

   The group of boys jogged and ran until they found Tetsutetsu and Itsuka carrying people. They wore gas masks and looked worn out. Izuku took out his first aid kit and they made a small stop to deal with wounds on people.

"I'm so glad we found more people. Yaoyorozu made these masks for us but she passed out trying to carry all the people out." Itsuka sits another person gently on the floor.

"We took down the villain that was spreading the damn gas but he shot me in the head, I was metal when he did but it still hurt." Tetsutetsu rubs his forehead.

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