2 • 100 • 112

Start from the beginning

Others, 'Correction, you are indeed that cruel.'

Charlotte and the others could notice that Hansung Yu was in a bad mood.

When Hansung Yu found Batis, he told him what happened in the quarantine area where they found a sworn enemy who murdered all their friends. The sworn enemy took form of a white haired man who was also a group of snakes. In another word, he wasn't a human but a group of snakes that could take a form of human. The sworn enemy was Endorsi's sworn enemy, Snake Charmer.

Despite of being Endorsi's sworn enemy, it didn't show slightest hostility towards her. Any individuals that was hostile against the princess will be eliminated which made Hansung Yu surprised to see the group of snakes killing each other for self- control. This was why Endorsi told Hansung Yu to stop attacking her sworn enemy as it was not normal at all.

Even though it wasn't really his fault that the others were murdered, Hansung Yu still apologized to Batis.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't keep my promise to save everyone...maybe...I thought of helping all of you as a game" he said. "I actually had a more important goal than that and saving you all ended up being a small goal along the way. But on the inside, maybe I thought I could give up on that, maybe I thought that it is some kind of test difficult to pass."

He earnestly bowed down with his eyes closed, "I'm sorry, Batis."

"I know that the reason you tried to help them to escape from the quarantine area isn't because of friendship or pity for them. You simply want to escape more perfectly. You wanted to leave the quarantine area created by Big Breeder in an optimal state. If you bring them with you, you would feel even greater sense of achievement.

I know people like you very well. Born with abilities superior to the others, you sometimes act as though you are helping someone weaker than you. I guess you could call it...a kind of game masquerading as kindness.

To you, helping them was just merely a game."

The words above were the words that the Snake Charmer, or at least it was his nickname or something, said towards him. Those words were the words that made him doubt himself.

"It's okay" Batis replied. "You haven't done anything wrong."

Hansung Yu lifted his head, "Batis?"

"We're just human data anyway. They'll all come back to live when the next warriors alive" Batis said. "At some point our life and death...everything started seeming like a joke. Ever since Big Breeder took control of everything, when those guys come back to life again, I'm going to take back this town from Big Breeder...so that they don't have to live like that anymore. That alone is more than enough."

What he desired was peace.

The peace for himself, his wife, his friends and everyone and everything on his surroundings.

Won't it be great to live a normal life? But in this tower, living a normal life sounded like an impossible request. In his left, people were scheming against each other. In his right, people were killing each other. Right before him, one watched how he was betrayed and behind him, he remembered how much has he changed and his regrets. 

He looked at the woman who was sleeping on the bed. The woman, Rose or Dee, was his wife, the one who he loved dearly.

She had been through a lot just now. Even though she wasn't wielding sword to attack Big Breeder or carrying a shield to protect the others, still, she had just seen the dark side of the "God" who she praised and sang for all these years.

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