Chapter 61 - Endings

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"Hayley, it's not your fault. Ettie was a grown person, she made her own decisions. You can't blame yourself for that," I answered.

"I just can't believe this happened," Hayley said, resting her head on Ettie's chest, "she's gone." Leah grabbed Hayley's hand, and looked at her.

"She's not gone," Leah said, "she lives on with us."

The next morning, Ettie was taken off life support. I was the only one in the room when it happened. I didn't want anyone to have to witness it, but I knew I had to. I had to be with my sister until her last breath. When I found out Australia had won the World Cup, I was surprised Hayley wasn't out celebrating. Instead, she slept at the hospital with Leah, Lucy and me.

That morning, Leah got a frantic message.

Indi: please tell me its not true. Please tell me ettie is ok

Leah: im sorry, inds, she's gone.

Indi: omg, im coming.

Indi ended up at the hospital, with Sam, Jill and Kristie. When they walked in, I knew they were close with Ettie. I knew they each had their own connections with her, and it made me realise just how many lives Ettie has touched. Just how many people she has impacted.

"I'm so sorry," Indi said to me, as we sat in the hotel lobby together.

"I just don't know how to feel," I answered. We'd never really talked before, but somehow, I knew grief would bring people closer.

"Ettie was the first person who knew about my issues," Indi started to say, "she was the first person in England I told about my mental health, and self harm. She had this way of making you feel comfortable and loved. She was, one of, the best people I ever knew, and the whole world is going to miss her, not just us."

"I just don't know how I am going to keep going without her," I said to her.

"Ettie would want nothing more, Keira, than for you to go and live her dreams. Play football, and do it for her." I nodded, knowing she was right. Knowing that the rest of my life, everything I do, will be for Ettie.

BREAKING NEWS: England Footballer, Juliette Walsh, dies suddenly at the age of 26

Juliette Walsh has been a big name in Women's football for over 10 years. Debuting for Manchester City at 16, and playing for the Lionesses' since she was 17, the left back had soon become one of the most loved and recognised Women's footballers.

Shocking news came however when Walsh appeared to have been rushed to the hospital following England's last match at the FIFA Women's World Cup. After the match, Walsh left the field on a stretcher and was taken straight to the hospital, sources say. Her twin sister and fellow England footballer, Keira Walsh, was alongside her, looking frantically worried.

It was soon confirmed that Walsh had suffered from a heart attack, due to complications surrounding her pre-diagnosed heart condition, cardiomyopathy. Walsh was placed onto life support, where her family and friends were able to say their goodbyes. Walsh was taken off life support earlier this morning.

The Women's football world has been actively quiet, with no word yet from any players, staff or management about the situation.

"I never got to tell her," Leah said to me, as we headed back to England. It was decided that the funeral would be in Manchester, as that is where Ettie grew up.

"Never got to tell her what?" I asked.

"That I loved her," Leah answered.

"She knew that, Lee. Of course she knew that."

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