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After the Knight brother's shared their concerns—or Alexandro did,  everything seemed to go back to normal. Evelyn would wake up by either her alarm or one of the boys, she'd go to school, come home, do homework and go to bed. It's a cycle that doesn't change.

Everything seemed absolutely perfect. Until she came around. Hayley Hienz; the new girl who seems to forget people have boundaries. She likes to push peoples buttons, she knows all the ways to get underneath someone's skin without even trying. She's like a fly that wont go away.

Evelyn didn't mind knowing about her, she wasn't bothered. But what really bothered her was when she walked out of the bathroom there Hayley was, flirting with Giovanni and Kai—her boys. She felt outraged, her blood boiled. She didn't want to share them, she shouldn't have to.

So she quickly calmed herself and walked over to them as fast as she could while looking fine, like nothing was bothering her. She didn't want to make a big deal out of this. "Darling, finally! Alexandro, Antonio and Matteo are waiting. Shall we get going?" Kai asked, feeling instantly relieved to see her.

Evelyn smiled and nodded.

But things didn't go quite as planned. Giovanni wasn't paying any attention to them. His attention was else where. He had his eyes glued to Hayley and you could tell the said girl was soaking it up, she loved getting this attention and reaction out of the older man.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows, looking at his significant other with a 'what are you doing?' glance. But all he was responded with was a simple shrug of the shoulder. Evelyn looked at her other 'close' friend in complete shock. Giovanni Black has never shrugged Kai or Evelyn off before. It wasn't him.

Evelyn knew what was happening and she didn't like it, not one bit. Hayley was digging her claws in him, deep inside his skin to where he was stuck. He couldn't get away or move, not that it looked like he wanted to. He looked like he'd rather talk to her. Like she was the most interesting thing in the world.

It wasn't a doubt that Hayley Heinz was a pretty girl. But Kai thought Evelyn was gorgeous, and he though Giovanni thought so too but he just seemed so interested-enchanted by her. "Gio?" Evelyn mustered up the courage to say, though it sounded like a quiet whisper. Giovanni met Evelyn's eyes with his eyebrow raised.

He seemed to realize and cleared his throat before straightening his posture and said something to Hayley. But it was too quiet for Kai or Evelyn to hear. Kai didn't like this side of Giovanni. This happened once throughout his and Giovanni's relationship, and they've been together for five years. But now it's happening again and it scared Kai.

He also knew it scared Evelyn.

Evelyn went to hold hands with Giovanni but he pushed through her and Kai, walking down the hallway with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Kai sighed and pulled Evelyn closer by her waist, holding her hand as well. Evelyn snuggled more into his embrace, needing some reassurance that she did nothing wrong. I mean after all why would Giovanni act like that if I hadn't done anything wrong? Evelyn thought.

After the trio got home it was around dinner time and the other boys weren't home yet so Evelyn decided she would stay close to Kai seeing as she didn't want to annoy Giovanni anymore.

She just didn't understand, they were fine just a few weeks ago. They were sharing kisses, hugs, cuddles and holding hands. He was so nice and gentle, but now he's coming off as rude and cold. Something had to of happened when she was in the bathroom.

After dinner Kai took Evelyn to bed, he laid with her until she fell asleep and he quietly walked to Giovanni's bedroom. Kai was absolutely livid. How dare he treat her like that? Like she bothered him? It was fine if he acted that way towards him but when he treated Evelyn the way he did it set something off inside Kai.

Kai burst through the door with hard eyes and a sneer painted his face. Giovanni, who was texting on his phone looked up with a blank look before it morphed into a confused one. "Kai? What the hell are you doing in my room?" He asked. Kai just scoffed.

"How dare you treat her that way!? Especially when she was finally warming up to us? You made her feel like absolute shit, Giovanni! I don't want you around her if you're gonna act like this. You've acted like this before but towards me almost four years ago. What the hell is wrong with you?" Kai snapped. Giovanni stood up from his bed with a dominant aura, his shoulders pushed back and his head held high but tilted to the side ever so slightly, like he was mocking his lover.

"Are you serious? You're gonna try and take Evelyn away from me? What the actual really are serious.." He realized that Kai was being for real and he snorted. "What do you want from me, Kai?" Giovanni sighed. "I want you to stay away from Hayley Hienz." He answered with a straight face.

Giovanni hesitated. He really liked Hayley, don't get him wrong he loves Kai and Evelyn but Hayley is just so much more interesting. She never lets the conversation get boring, she is just absolutely breathtaking to him. But then again he also can't forget about Kai, nor Evelyn.

He finally gave in.

"Fine." Giovanni nodded. Kai took a breath and let his shoulders drop in relief. "Okay." Kai nodded and stepped towards the taller and embraced him in a tight hug. Giovanni kissed the top of Kai's head. "Don't think you're not apologizing to Evelyn, because you are. You were acting like a complete douchbag towards her." Kai warned.

"I'll apologize as soon as she wakes up tomorrow." He immediately replied. Giovanni felt like complete shit how he treated Evelyn but Hayley really got his attention. But he knew that if he wanted to keep his relationship with both Kai and Evelyn then he needed to stop talking to Hayley and he really wanted to keep his relationship, no matter the costs.

He just hoped Hayley understood.

(im kinda running out of ideas so i apologize if this doesnt make sense)

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