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A/N: sorry for not posting like I promised. school has been very frustrating and I haven't really been on my phone much. Buttttt here's this chapter:)

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I shook the principal's hand and walked off to the car. I pulled my phone out and dialed Matteo's number seeing as he took Evelyn out to get clothes. "Matteo Knight speaking,"

"Ehi Matteo, sono Alexandro. Volevo solo farti sapere che probabilmente dovresti comprare anche materiale scolastico. Ho appena finito di parlare con la preside di Oakland High e lei è già iscritta. Inizia domani(Hey Matteo, it's Alexandro. I just wanted to let you know you should probably buy school supplies as well. I just got done speaking with the principal of Oakland High and she's already enrolled. She starts tomorrow.)" I said.

"Giusto. Beh, la piccola sta dormendo, quindi lo farò sicuramente una volta che si sveglierà. Abbiamo comprato un bel po'. Ha venti nuovi abiti e tre nuove scarpe. Probabilmente avrà bisogno di una nuova borsa da scuola.(Right. Well baby is sleeping so I will definitely do that once she wakes up. We bought quite a bit. She has like twenty new outfits and three new shoes. Uh-she'll probably need a new school bag)."

I hummed in agreement.

"Com'era il suo comportamento oggi? Se fosse bello, allora sarà in grado di stare sveglio più tardi, se vuole. So che il piccolo odia andare a letto prima di noi(how was her behavior today? If it was good then she'll be able to stay up later if she'd like. I know the little one hates going to bed earlier than we do)." I kept the conversation simple and mainly about our sister.

"Onestamente si è comportata molto bene. È anche piena di sorrisi e risatine. Penso che lovey si stia finalmente aprendo a noi. Onestamente sto amando il suo comportamento(she honestly has behaved very well. she's full of smiles and giggles as well. I think lovey is finally opening up to us. I'm honestly loving her behavior)." He chuckled.

"È fantastico. Va bene, devo andare, sto per guidare. Ci vediamo quando torno a casa. Ti amo e dico a Evie che la amo(that's amazing. alright well i gotta go, im about to be driving. ill see you when i get home. i love you and tell Evie i love her)." I mumbled before hanging up.

I tossed my phone onto the passenger seat and put the keys into the ignition. Before I completely drove off I quickly buckled up, remembering that Evelyn was angry the last time I didn't buckle while driving.

Evelyn has opened up a lot since the incident and everyone in the house is loving it. She's not closed off or shy anymore. She's herself and I'm living for it. She's finally comfortable around us; her brothers, around Henry and around Kai and Giovanni.

It's honestly great.

I pull the car into the driveway before getting out. I open the door to see Antonio and Henry cuddled up watching what looks to be a comedy movie. "I'm home," I mumbled just loud enough for them to hear. "How was it?" Antonio asked, his eyes stuck to the telly.

"It was fine, the principal Mr. Reid seems nice and chilled back. He was very welcoming. I called Matteo afterwards, E was sleeping but they should be home after school shopping." I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

He hummed.

"He also said she was very well behaved. Full of smiles and laughs." I smirked knowing that will get his attention. His head snapped over to my direction, "really?! So she isn't going to close up on us unexpectedly?!" He asked, excitedly.

My lip tugs up slightly but I nod, giving him a silent answer. "Where's Gio and Kai?" I questioned. "Uh-I think they're taking a nap," Henry mused quietly.

I nod before walking up to my office and shrugged off my suit jacket, draping it over my black leather chair I had in the corner of the room. I walked around my desk and settled in my chair, logging into my computer to answer the unwanted emails I received.

I was just about to send my last email when my office phone rang. I picked it up and brought it up to my ear, "Knight speaking." I coldly said.

"Ms. Knight is wanting to see you," Jack's voice rang through the speaker. My lips twitched at the thought of little E wanting to see me. "Send her up," accepted the request and hung up. Not long after the door opened and she peeked through. When she saw me she smiled and skipped inside.

"Lex!! Guess what!" She giggled. "What baby?" I asked, amused. "Tteo bought me Mozzarella sticks and apple juice." She squealed. I smiled at her childish antics. "That's awesome." I agreed with her, not wanting to shit on her mood.

She walked up to my desk and looked at me with doe eyes, "he also said I get to go to a new school." She smiled. I leaned back and hummed. "Yes babe. You get to go to a new school," I trailed off, knowing she would be confused if I told her she would have Kai and Giovanni with her during school hours.

They agreed and so did Mr. Reid so it wasn't hard to negotiate. It's just incase she really needs them, but mainly for her protection. I also knew that she wouldn't want Jack or anyone else, and seeing how close the three got I figured she'd be more comfortable with them.

"E sweetheart, why don't you sit down, yeah?" I suggested. She nodded and sat down on the chair across the desk. "Before I start I want you to hear me out, okay?" I said. She nodded, "okay." She agreed. "Kai and Giovanni are gonna be going with you to school, everyday. The only time they will leave is when you have to go to the toilet." I continued.

She tilted her head to the side. "But Kai and Gio already graduated?" She asked confused. I chuckled. "Yes love, they graduated already. But if you need someone they will be there and they are also there for your protection." I answered once I sobered up.

She looked up and nodded. "Okay!" She chirped. I was surprised she completely agreed but I was thankful she didn't throw a fit. I stood up and walked around my desk. I crouched in front of her to see eye to eye and not to be intimidating.

"Right, so why don't you go check on Kai and Giovanni, hm?" I asked. Her eyes widened in excitement. "Really? Okay!" She giggled. I smiled and kissed her forehead before she skipped out of my office and down the hall.

I sighed, she will be the death of me.

Evelyn skipped through the halls, excited to see the duo. She slowed down and knocked softly on their door once she reached it. When there was no reply she slowly opened it to see Kai and Giovanni cuddled up, sleeping.

She pouted.

She wanted cuddles too.

She slipped off her vans at the edge of the bed and crawled in the middle of the sleeping men. She plopped down softly before cuddling up to them. Kai opened his eyes slightly to see Evelyn so he pulled her closer to himself.

She couldn't help but think that this was the best way to spend a Sunday. Cuddled up next to two big teddy bears and sleep for the rest of the day.

The abandoned girlМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя