"They quarry broke open and those walkers were heading this way. All of them. The plan that Rick put into place stopped that from happening. He got half of them away," Aaron defended. The people of Alexandria fell silent as he talked. "I was out there recruiting with Daryl. I wanted to try to get into a cannery and scavenge, and Daryl wanted to keep looking for people. We did what I wanted and we wound up in a trap set by those people and I lost my pack. They must've followed our tracks. Those people who attacked us...They found their way back here because of me." When Aaron stopped talking, Deanna shook her head and walked away.

"There'll be more to talk about," Rick said.

"Deanna," Tobin called out. "Deanna!" Everyone turned to look at her as she kept walking. Rick watched as she walked away before walking away as well. 

"I got to go get Theo, if he's not up from his nap soon then he won't sleep later," I told Carl. 

"I'll come with you," Cael said.

"It's fine," I replied, not meeting his eyes. 

"I'm coming with you whether you like it or not," Carl snapped. I didn't say anything. Instead, I walked off towards the Grime's house. The two of us walked in silence. The only noise that filled the air was the walkers. Honestly, it was a sound I had forgotten about. 

"You're mad," I commented. Carl scoffed.

"Yeah, I'm mad." 

"I was trying to protect Enid," I said, fidgeting with my fingers. Carl stayed quiet. I could tell by the way his shoulders were tense, and how he kept looking straight ahead, that he wasn't ready to talk about it. I didn't want to push him. Carl didn't let me hold his hand as I walked which was unusual for us. We always held hands no matter what. Except when we were fighting, I guess.

The two of us climbed up the stairs to the porch, easily opening the front door. The one floorboard by the straits creaked loudly, and I winced. I forgot about that floorboard. I forgot about that floorboard, despite the fact I memorized the exact floorboard that squeaked. One time, when Carl and I were sneaking out, I stepped on it and we got caught. Definitely got in trouble for that one.

All we had wanted to do was watch the stars. We weren't going to go outside the gates, just going to go climb the wall and sit on a tree branch. Like how we did when we first met. As weird as it sounds, trees were our favorite place. They have the most sentimental value for us. 

I slowly opened Judith's bedroom door, seeing her sitting awake in her crib. Theo, however, was sound asleep. This was weird for him. Normally, when I come to wake him from his nap he is sitting in bed working on reading comic books from Carl's room. Theo always claims that he wants to learn to read so he can read books to me. Really, I think he just wants me to be proud of him which I already am. He turned into a brilliant boy. 

"Theo," I whispered, gently touching his shoulder. When he didn't look like he was going to wake up, I shook him again. His eyes fluttered open and he yawned. "You must've been very tired, weren't you," I gently teased. 

"Mhm. I'm hungry, Rowi," Theo said. It took me everything I could not to 'aw' at him. 

"Alright buddy, let's go get you and Judith some food." I reached under his armpits, resting him on my hip. He laid his shoulder on my shoulder. When I turned around, Carl stood with Judith and was now staring at me. I rolled my eye and shoved past him. I walked back down the stairs, careful to avoid the creaking step this time. 

"Rowi, can I have ceweral?" Theo asked, slowly lifting his tired eyes off my shoulder. 

"Sorry, bud, I think we're all out of that. How but, Uhm," I opened one of the kitchen cupboards, looking for anything. I closed the empty cupboard and opened the one next to it. "How about some oatmeal?" 

"Sure," Theo replied. 

"Alright, stay here," I sat Theo down on the counter. Carl walked into the kitchen and buckled Judith in her highchair. He walked over to the fridge and opened it, pulling out milk. 

"Do you want me to split the oatmeal so Judith can have some too?" I asked, not looking at him. 

"That's fine. Thanks," Carl answered tensely. I nodded and poured an oatmeal packet into a bowl, and then proceeded to turn on the sink and poured a bit of water in it. I quickly pulled out a spoon and stirred it a bit before placing it on the counter. Picking up the bowl, I pulled the microwave open and place the bowl in it before shutting it. I pushed in three minutes before hitting start. 

The waiting for the oatmeal to finish was long, tense, and it felt like ages before it finished. I quickly scooped some oatmeal into another bowl and gave it to Carl so he could feed an eager Judith. 

"Careful, it's hot," I said to Theo as I sat the bowl in front of him.

"Careful, it's hot," I said to Theo as I sat the bowl in front of him

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Forever ~~ Carl Grimes Love Story (Sequel)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt