[2] Lost And Found

Start from the beginning

Then again, it doesn't even matter anymore, they already have me and he seems like the nicest one of the four.

I hesitate a bit before I slowly, but carefully take his hand and he smirks.

"HA! See? She likes me better." He then laughs and the Isaiah guy rolls his eyes.

"Bitch." I frown and walk out of the room close behind Stokeley.

We walk down a long hallway and I look around for some escape. I suddenly see some stairs and I shrug to myself.

Might as well try.

I bolt for the stairs and all four guys groan loudly and I hear the Isaiah guy yells loudly.

"I DO NOT FEEL LIKE CHASING THIS BITCH!" I suddenly hear trampling footsteps and I get to the top of the stairs and look both ways. I take a left and walk through fast, but quietly. Panting, I slip into a room and it's the cleanest so far. I gently close the door behind me and hide in the closet.

Maybe they'll just leave me be... hopefully.



"Fuck! X is gonna be here soon and we lost her." I groan loudly. Isaiah shakes his head and laughs.

"Nah, Mr. "She likes me better", you lost her." I roll my eyes and ignore the urge to punch him.

"What the fuck ever Isaiah, let's just hurry up." We split up in different parts of the house and start looking.


10 Minutes Later...

"Where the fuck is the sexy bitch at? I'm hungry and horny!" Isaiah groans loudly and I roll my eyes. Suddenly, we hear the front door slam and we all freeze.

Fuck, X's back.

We all start shoving each other towards the stairs and suddenly, someone clears their voice. We turn to see X standing there with a hard look on his face. He crosses his arms and breathes out deeply.

"You lost the girl." He simply says and Isaiah shouts loudly.

"STOKE WAS BEING NICE!" I frown and smack Robb's arm.

"This dumbass gave her all of the drugs and she was out for nine hours!" I exclaim and Robb shoves Isaiah.

"He tried to rape her!" We all start yelling over each other and X yells louder.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" We all stop yelling and stand staring at him. He flexes his jaw.

"Find the girl and bring her to me. I will shoot all you niggas in the fucking throats if you don't. How the fuck do you lose a quiet girl like her?" He asked and Isaiah snorts.

"That's why we can't find her, she's too fucking quiet. She hasn't made a sound all day!" X glares at him and pushes pass us, trudging up the stairs. He growls one last time.

"Find the fucking girl."

And we started looking again...



I hear loud yelling and realize this is my time to get to a new hiding spot. I can't stay in this room forever. I slowly crawl out of the closet and get myself up from the floor. The room is a little dim now from it being close to nighttime. I walk quietly over to the door and put my hand on it. The yelling all stopped and I figure it's a good time to come out now. The knob twists, but I'm not turning it. I gasp, but it's too late. The door flies open as a guy, who's pretty fit and has black and blonde dreads and brown eyes stares at me hard.

He's definitely not one of the guys from earlier.

Oh shit, is he the X guy they all talked about?

I widen my eyes and go to run around him, but he swoops me up quickly, slamming his door shut, locking it and throwing me on top of the bed hard. I land uncomfortably and quickly scramble to my knees. I go to get up and the guy towers over me on the bed.

"I suggest you to sit the fuck down and don't fucking move." I cringe from his voice. He sounds so mean and heartless. I sit with my legs crossed and he smirks.

"Good girl. Now, you want to know why you're here?" He asked and I nod slowly, and his smirk turns into a scowl as he leans closer to my face.

"That's too fucking bad." He takes out a white cloth and press it hard on my face. I breathe in automatically and pass out for the second time today.

This is getting annoying...


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