Chapter 35. Unfortunate

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Daisy's POV

A few days pass since I've asked to see and hear Bria out. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little angry over them controlling weather I see Bria or not. It's my life!

"Princess, we have to go." Daddy James says as he walks into my room.

A huff leaves my lips and without a word, I walk in front of him out of my room. I'm not saying I'm giving him the silent treatment but...I don't want to talk to him right now.

I feel like they've both been watching over me more closely than they have before, which is driving me crazy! I'm not sneaky enough to do things that I know I shouldn't do but I want to do anyways. Like pranks, I planned out a whole prank to get daddy Asher by taking all of his pants out of his dresser and hiding them all over the house, but I haven't had the chance because they won't stop breathing down my neck!

"What's wrong princess?" Daddy James grabs my arm right before I walk out the front door.

I snatch my arm out of his hand and continue walking to the car. I was told we are going to somewhere that I will like. I swear if it's not the park, I'm throwing a tantrum.

Daddy James doesn't try to press an answer out of me as I close the car door after sitting in my seat. I buckle myself up quickly before daddy James or daddy Asher has the chance to tell me to buckle myself up.

Daddy James slides in the passenger seat while daddy Asher waits in the driver's seat. I can't help but watch daddy Asher's muscular arm as he starts the car, causing his arm muscles to tense up.

I roll my eyes at the thought of how attractive I find them when I'm mad at them for being meanies.

My head lays against the window as I count the trees we pass. One, two, three, four, five, six...

Will Carson be there? I haven't seen her since we came back from Greece. I miss her a lot so if she is there, it'll definitely cheer me up.

The weather has gotten warmer, still a little chilly sometimes but that's mostly in the mornings and at night, during the day it feels beautiful outside.

"Can you tell us what's wrong angel?" Daddy Asher asks.

I laugh softly to myself. What he asked wasn't funny, it just fueled my anger even more.

"It's never a good sign when a woman laughs when she's angry. Drop it brother." Daddy James tries his hardest to whisper to where I can't hear, but I did. And he's right.

"Daisy. Tell us why you're acting like this or I'm not participating in what we have planned." Daddy Asher tries to convince me.

My ears ring, scream, in anger.

"I'm mad at both of you because you won't let me do anything! You both are constantly breathing down my freaking neck! Leave me alone!" I yell.

"Lower your voice before you get in trouble Daisy. I'm not telling you again. If you have a problem with anything, you need to act like a big girl and speak with reason." Daddy Asher shoots warning eyes through the rear-view mirror.

An angry laugh once again escapes me.

"Oh yes, trouble always finds little ole me huh." I huff.

Out of nowhere, my face slams against the seat in front of me. The sound of screeching tires and a blaring horn pierce my ear drums.

I feel the car momentarily flip upside down making my brain feel like mush. Then blackness. Just dark.

I feel my heart physically slow, the seat belt I buckled earlier is digging into my neck painfully. I try to move but it seems like my body isn't listening.

"Stay still, stop trying to move. You're okay." A female voice talks through the loud ringing in my ears.

"My name is Kim; I'm going to help you out of here, okay? I just need you to listen to me very carefully and not move." The lady says again.

Without being able to open my eyes, I don't understand what's going on. Where did this woman come from?

"Daisy! Wait! Stop wheeling me towards the ambulance and let me see her!" I hear daddy James yell.

I'm surprised I can hear anything over the painfully loud ringing.

"Sir we can't go over there. Someone is working on her, but I promise you she is very good at her job." A voice tells daddy James.

"I'm going to lift your left arm, okay? Don't be scared, I'm not trying to hurt you." Kim says.

I try to tell her 'okay' but nothing comes out. My voice is gone, I guess.

Kim lifts my left arm slowly, just like she said she would and carefully works to pull my body.

A crashing sound forces my eyes open as terror runs through my body. I see the car we were once in, smashed, the tires marks scratched into the road, blood on the interior that I can see, and blood on my hands.

Where are my daddies?

"Wh-whe-" I try to speak but I feel too weak.

"What's your name?" Kim asks ignoring what I was trying to say.

"Daisy." I force. I can tell that it comes out as a whisper.

"You were in a car wreck Daisy. The two men that were with you are in separate ambulances going to the same hospital you are. Once we get in the ambulance, I'm going to check your vitals. It's very good that you know your name and that you're conscious so try not to worry."

Try not to worry? I feel my heartbeat in my ears! My heart moved and that's something to panic over in my opinion!

She gets me into the ambulance and hooks me up to multiple things. Something tightens around my arm causing me to yelp.

"I'm just checking your blood pressure, it's normal for this band to squeeze you." She says as the band tightens even more.

"No! It hurts! Please stop!" I cry out in pain.

She quickly unwraps the band and looks at my arm intently.

"If it hurt that bad then you may have a broken arm so, I'm going to put a splint on it just in case."

At this point, I don't even care what she's saying. Pain radiates through more than just my arm and the ringing in my ears keeps getting louder and louder.

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