Chapter 6. Panic

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Daisy's POV

     I look at my new sparkly pink earrings in the mirror.

"They're so pretty." I whisper to myself and reach up to touch them only to have my hand gently swatted away.

"No touching. You only touch them when you clean them-" he hands me a paper with instructions on how to clean them, "you can change them out after they heal in six to eight weeks."

I nod showing him I understand.

Lauren and I pay for the work he's done.

"Lauren, can we...maybe go into that store?" I ask pointing to a store full of stuffed animals.

"Of course, after that we can eat some lunch." She smiles.

I speed walk into the store and look at all the stuffies.

This is heaven. This is where I want to be for forever.

After looking I examine the three stuffies I have in my hands.

Hmmm, it's between a pink teddy bear, a green froggy, and a small brown kitty.

"I think you should get the cat." Lauren suggests seeing that I'm having a hard time choosing.

Yes! I'm going to get the kitty.

After paying for my new friend, we go to the escalator to go to the food court.

I look between her and the moving stairs.

I slowly grab her hand and she let me hold it while we go up.

Thank you for helping me.

We wait in line for a slice of pizza. Eventually Lauren got a sausage and pineapple pizza, and I got a plain pepperoni.

Who puts pineapple on a pizza? It doesn't sound very good.

We sit at a small table away from the crowd of other people eating and chattering.

"How have you been Daisy?" She asks taking a bite of pizza.

"I've been good, how've you been." I smile kicking my feet.

"I've been okay, I've been spending a lot of time helping Bria." She sighs.

I forgot they were also friends...

I nod, I don't want to be rude, but I don't want to talk about Bria.

"She's changed. She's having a hard time and her mom...her mom is doing worse than she is." She continues.


My eyes burn with sadness. I wish things didn't happen how they happened; I wish they never happened at all.

"It's terrible how nobody has paid for it. He was a good man." She sighs.

A good man? Fuck that. He wasn't a good man. He tortured me, starved me, shaved my head, beat me...he wasn't nice. I huff.

But she doesn't know that. Should I tell her?

"What is it?" She looks into my eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"You huffed when I said he was a good man." Her eyebrows furrowed.

Oh... Well dang it, what do I do?

"I just...I um...I feel bad, I wish things were different." I twiddle my fingers.

"That's not the whole truth, is it?" She pushes, "Daisy what happened?"

Daisy's Daddies, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now