Chapter 2. The Lantern

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Daisy's POV

     The ride to the restaurant was silent, a comfortable silence.

Whenever I would ask where we were going, they both just shrug and smile.

Stupid surprises.

I feel the car stop and my eyes peer out the window.

We're in a parking lot! We're here!

I look up at the building and it says, 'The Lantern'.

It looks beautiful. It's a stone building with a stunning garden by the door. The garden had fluffy green bushes and vines that hung from the roof to the ground.

I felt peaceful here.

As we walked in the soft classical music touches my ears. The sound of harps and violins make the atmosphere so much more beautiful.

"Table for three?" A hostess asks daddy Asher.

He nods and she leads us to our table.

Walking through the restaurant there's white booths with golden accents.

Lanterns hang from the ceiling omitting a soft light.

"Is this okay?" The hostess asks pointing to a booth.

"It's perfect, thank you." Daddy Asher smiles.

We all sit down and stare at each other.

I feel their hot gaze on me, and I start to feel shy.

My cheeks heat up while I look down at my fingers.

"You look beautiful princess." Daddy James grabs my hand.

Before I can say anything back a waitress comes up and gives us an award-winning smile.

"Welcome to The Lantern. My name is Cynthia and I'll be your waitress this evening. Do we all know what we want to drink?" Cynthia looks at all three of us.

"I'll have a water." Daddy James says looking at the drink options.

You picked the most boring drink...

"Can I have one of these?" I ask pointing to one of the pretty colorful drinks.

"May I see your ID?" She asks.

I look up at daddy Asher confused.

He chuckles at my confusion.

"She will have a virgin tequila sunrise." He tells Cynthia.

A virgin?

"I thought she looked a little young." She smiles and winks at me.

Her words embarrass me, I don't want to look like a baby.

"I'll have a whiskey on the rocks." Daddy Asher says taking the attention off me.

Thank you, daddy.

She smiles and tells us she will be back with our drinks after handing us food menus.

I scan the options and their so many to choose from. Curse my indecisiveness.

Garlic prawns, apricot pork, coriander chicken, brined lime chicken, smoked asparagus cod, roasted ginger herring, rosemary lobster, and so much more.

"I think you'd like the garlic prawns princess." Daddy James says helping me pick out what I would want. It's like he knew I wouldn't be able to choose on my own.

Daisy's Daddies, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now