18: The Daycare Attendant

Start from the beginning

"I would! But, uhh, heh! I can't access security!" Helpy said.

Gregory was about to complain, but then recalled what had JUST happened a while ago with the other animatronics. "...fair."

Helpy then walked over to the slide, and slid in. "WEEEE!!!"

Gregory laughed. "Hey, wait up!" He said with another laugh, sliding in. He may have been a little too old for this, but he was alone and sometimes? It was ok to be stupid.

They then crashed into a ballpit, the two of them laughing. Gregory then started traveling around the GIANT ballpit before seeing a fake tower high up in the wall, with fake clouds surrounding it to give the impression that it was in the sky.

He then looked at The Daycare itself. It was bright and colorful, filled with soft ground, and all kinds of things for little kids to go crazy on.

Helpy giggled. "I sometimes like to come here with the other kids! It's very fun! Even if I AM a little old for it!"

"Hey, I don't blame you! It actually does look kinda-" Gregory's eyes then widened when he saw someone on the tower.

The animatronic from the poster. Sun. His face had a giant smile, pure white eyes, and triangles meant to represent rays of a sun all around his head. And finally, he seemed to be wearing a jester like outfit, with jingle bells around his wrists.

Sun spun around on his 'stage' and cried out. "HOO HOO HOO!!!" He exclaimed before taking a dive deep into the ballpit.

Gregory gulped and quickly backed up. "He's in here with us! Let's go back!"

"Hey, Gregory! It's ok! Sun's harmless! Lemme talk to him!" Helpy smiled before his smile disappeared. "Just, uhh, don't have Moon come out."

"Wait, why-" Gregory said as he followed Helpy deeper into the ballpit towards 'shore', but that's when Sun popped out, holding the two of them up.

"Helloooo! New friends! You're sure up late! Are we having a slumber party?! Where are all of the rest of you?" Sun asked at super speed before setting them down on the ground.

Helpy giggled. "Hi, Sunny!"

Sun looked down at Helpy, but instead of being happIER to see him...he just looked normal. He picked up Helpy, humming. "Weird! I don't recall you! Recall, recall, recall! Hehehe! Such a big word!"

Helpy's face became confused. "You...don't remember me? I just came in here yesterday?"

Sun hummed before booping Helpy's nose. "Hmmm, that squeak does seem familar! But I'm certain I'd remember a cutie like you!"

He then set Helpy back down next to Gregory, who was still a little weirded out.

"We can finger paint, tell stories, drink Fizzy Faz until our heads EXPLODE, and then stay up all night!" Sun laughed before his voice grew serious. "There is only ONE rule...keep the lights ON. ON. ON."

Helpy gulped, with Gregory gulping as well now that Helpy, who had claimed Sun was harmless, was now afraid.

Gregory then whispered to Helpy as Sun danced around the two, clearly and eagerly awaiting an answer from them. "Keep him distracted. I'll get the badge."

Helpy nodded before he pretended to fall on top of a pile of cans nearby. "Whoops!"

"NO, NO, NO, NO! WHAT A MESS!" Sun cried, gently taking Helpy and setting him aside. "WHICH WAS THE BOTTOM?! WHERE IS THE TOP?! CLEAN UP! CLEAN UP!"

Gregory then took his chance to run to the security desk while Sun was occupied. He made it, with Helpy continuing to distract Sun. Gregory did find multiple things, including a flashlight which he would probably need.

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