Dean & Sam Winchester

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Dean POV

Me and Sammy where out Investigating some sort of invisable moster attack at an old abandon building. While driving to it we saw a teenage boy with black messy hair chase a monster with a sword into the building. I pull over and runs after him as Sammy got out a blonde teenage girl tries to stop him by throwing a rock at him and runs the other way.

" Hey" He runs after her not sure if theres more monsters in the woods as I head off to get the boy. When I got inside I pulled my gun out as I see a monster I shoot it and the bullets bounce off of it. " What the fuck." The monster turns to me as it tried to swig at me I dodge it then it turns to dust.

I look up to see the kid from eailer with a bronez sword. He has green eyes, oh shit pleaase don't tell me this is my kid. probaly not cause he looks like he's 19." Who are? " He asked I look at him and says." Put down the sword and I'll tell you. "

As he did a other group of monster comes in and the kid tosses my a small dagger I guess to kill them as we killed the last one the building creaks and crumbles on us. I wake up a bit later to see an Ice dome around us and the kid wakes up a bit later and he looks at me. " Now tell me who you are? " I look at him. " Name is Dean Winchester , whats your name kid and how did you know to kill those monsters and make this ice dome?"

He chuckles and looks at me." Name is Percy Jackson , I was able to kill those monster with this the sword." He pulls out a pen I was going to laugh as he uncapped it and it turns into a sword" ITs made out of celtcit Bronze, also since you might be a clear sighted mortal or demigod , you probalby know about the Greek gods." I nod then he tell's me everything.

Sam's POV

While chaseing the kid that threw the rock at me I lose her and I look around tying to figure out where they went. As I heard some noises I pull out my gun as I did a huge black dog jumps out at me
and attacks me I try to shoot it but the bullets just boune off of him. " What the hell." I got up and runs away I ducked as an arrow speeds pass me and hit the dog as it did the dog turned into dust.

I look up and sees the girl that hit me with a rock." YOU" She looks at me and mumbles something ." No to many demigods in one place." She looks up and as we hear a building fall and say " Percy." She speeds off as I got off thr ground to go and see if Deans okay.

When we got there it was destroyed but there was an Ice dome in the middle of it all. I look at the girl the back where we came from and says." What the hell was that thing?" She gives me an death glare showing her grey eyes. " A HellHoud."

I chuckle and says" Imposible we can't see HellHounds." She looks at me pissed and says" HellHounds from Greek. Now if you aren't waiting for my boyfriend and your friend to die lets start thikng of a way to save them."

I look at her and nod " Names Sam Winchester." I look at her as She nods." Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena. Since you know about Greek gods being real now." My eyes widen I was going to ask something until we heard a loud creaking noise.

She looks around and sees a water tower." Do you have anythng to destroy that water tower?" What why does she need that destoryed. " Yeah we have a gernade launcher in the trun.." She didn't let me finish " Good now shoot it and run." I grab it and aims at the water tower and shoots it. The tower falls and water falls on the ice dome.

Dean's POV

" So you're the son of Poseidon, you saved the world twice , you beat the god of war at the age of 12 , and your dating the daughter of the goddess who hates you and your dad, and the maiden goddes who apparently hates men tollartes you." I ask as he nods.

"Yu..." He didn't get to finish as we heard an explosion the feel some water creep into the dome. " Finaly catch me when I pass out." I nod as he touches the water and explodes the ice dome.

After a while me, Sammy, Annabeth , and , Percy go to the bunker and talk. " Okay after a conversation me and, Annabeth thinks you both are legacies , which means both of your parents are demigods. so here is some spare celtic bronze swords you guys can have and a map to our camp. "

They smile and leaves as Sammy says." Those kids are crazy." I nod and chuckles." That they are little brother." Sammy looks over as we head to the kitchen as the alarms go off." Ahh man."

That's how me and Sammy met Percy and Annabeth or what Charlie calls them when we told her abouth them Percabeth.

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