Hey Mom and Dad (AU)

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Percys POV

" Hey Mom, hey Dad , its been awhile since you guys left , me and Annabeth are taking very good care of Estelle , a lot of elders keep thinking shes our kid." I smile softly and takes a deep breath.

" Today Estelle , accidentally called Annabeth mom , Annabeth of coursed blushed and teared up a bit as she hugged her. " I laugh a bit as I look at them " If you think about it she does treat Estelle like her own daughter all the time."

" Leo came over with Calypos to watch Estelle while me and Annabeth went out for a date night , I may or may not have put cameras in the house cause I don't trust Leo with a kid at all, even though Calypos is with him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

" Now Hazel and Frank on the other hand are the best babysitters ever . They watched her the other day while Annabeth went to the office for something and I had to a PTA meeting to go to at school." ( In ths AU percy is a High school marine biology teacher) I smile to myself " Those two always spoil Estelle , they always buy her stuff animals .

" But Thaila and Reyan on the other hand my favorite couple " I chuckle more " They spoil her rotten , they 'kidnap' her whenever they feel like taking her out to minigolf , the movies , or even Disney World , I know Thalia going to Disney World everyone run for your life."

" Jason is okay with Estelle I guess , he just boring with her like he bougt her a book with no picturs in it , I mean come on she's 4 Jason, Piper on the other hand is amazing with Estelle , she lets Estelle do make up on her , and play with her hair."

" Now time for my other favorite couple , Nico and Will , or what I like to calm them Estelles body guards. Well Nico because she reminds him of Bianca. He's very protictive of her , one time at the park a bigger kid pushed her off the slide Nico literally scared the shit out of the kid. Will got mad at Nico for doing so while he cleaned Estelles scrapped knee, Will treats Estelle like any normal person would , respectfully, care and with love."

I smile as I fold the paper that I was reading from and falls to my knees as I cry I look up at the tombstones that say " Sally jackson-blofis 1978-2019 Paul Blofis 1976-2019"

" I miss you both like crazy." I take a deep breath as I wipe the tears away as I get up placing the blue flowers down on the grave." thank you for trusting me with taking care of Estelle mom and dad." I smile soflt kissing my hand then places my hand on their tombstones as I walk back to my car to head home.

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