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Ugh Percy Jackson asked me out I said no of course I didn't say yes why , it's cause he has A freaking girlfriend. I always see them together they come to school together they leave school together. She's really pretty I should tell her that he asked me out .

She's scary also she has spiky black hair and electric blue eyes and is always wearing goth attire. As I was heading to gym I ran up to her and softly smiles " Thalia right ?" She looks at me and nods " yeah your Annabeth right ?." I nod and smile as I talk to Thalia ." I have to tell you something about Percy "

She looked at me and sighs rubbing her face "What did that kelp head do ?" As I was about to talk the bell rang to leave ." I'll tell you later ." I run off I can't do that . It'll be wrong for me to break up a couple she has a nickname for him and all , as I got into Greek class I see Percy sitting down so I stomp up to him.

" You are a horrible person for trying to cheat on your girlfriend." He looks at me confused " Um what girlfriend?" He laughed softly " Thalia ." I bite back looking at him mad . His eyes widen as he coughs a bit " You think me and Thalia are dating?" I nod  confused a bit

" first off gross , secondly she's my sister , and thirdly she's in a relationship with someone else already, fourthly she doesn't swing that way  ." He looks at me as he tells me I blush dark red as I look at him " She's your sister ?" I say nervously as I blush from embarrassment.

He chuckled softly " not really she's my cousin but we're so close we're like siblings. What made you think we were dating ?"

" you both always get here and leave together all the time in the same car and well everyone here though you two were dating. I'm sorry I didn't know . "

I though he was going to yell at me but he laughed hard " It's okay. It's really funny though. But seriously is that why you said no when I asked you out ?"

I blushed softly as I nod " Yeah I did . Look I'm sorry I really am ." He nods " It's good I was sad when you said no cause well I have a crush on you ." I look at him feeling guilty.

" You like me ?" He nods " Yeah . I had a date planned out already , if you said yes . Thalia actually convinced me that you would say yes."

I look at him" Do you still want me to go out with you ?" He nods softly " Yeah I do . Do you want to go out with me ?" I smile and nod softly

6 Years later Thalia was my maid of honor at my wedding as I got married to Percy .

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