Chapter 22: Healed

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Three months passed since the castle crumbled, and Keres's reign of terror ended, and everyone in Centaurworld had healed up and things were back to normal. Elk's broken leg was healed and he was back up and walking again, and he walks around the village as the horsetaurs were doing some field work and he sighs. Adalie was bed ridden due to her magic nearly gone and feeling weak, and he worries about her every day. Magic takes a long time to gain back, and Adalie's magic was half way used up. He sighs as he continues walking and he hears his name gets called, "Elk! Where are you going?" He turns around to see Emilia walking to him and he looks at her, "Oh, just...just walking around." She smiles and another voice appears, "Mind if I join you?" He looks and he sees Adalie was up and moving and he picks her up with joy, hugging her tightly.

Adalie giggles, hugging him back and she looks at him, "Careful, my abdomen area still hurts a bit." Elk looks at her and kisses her gently and she kisses him back, and he sets her down and she looks up at him, smiling. They walk together and Josiah joins his wife, "Young love...I remember when we were like that." Emilia kisses her husband, "We still are." He chuckles and they walk somewhere else together. Elk and Adalie walk to the cherry tree that still had its blossoms and they sit down underneath, watching the gentle breeze blow through the leaves and flowers. They cuddle close to one another and Elk looks up at the branches, "I remember we almost kissed under this tree." Adalie giggles and looks at him, "Before it all got so rudely interrupted."

He laughs and wraps his arms around her gently, and holds her close. She smiles and giggles as his beard tickles her forehead, and she runs her fingers through his hair and they cuddle together under the tree. Adalie watches as the blossoms sway with the wind and she sighs, "Will it work between us? What if something else happens? What if..." Elk holds her hand and makes her look at her, "I promise we can make it work. No matter what, I know we can make it work between us." Adalie smiles at him and they share another kiss together and a blossom falls into her hair and she giggles, and Elk places the flower in her ear and smiles, "I don't know if I ever said are beautiful." She giggles, "You have, and you are perfect...just the way you are."

Hearing those words almost made Elk's heart skip a beat, and he hasn't heard those words in a long time, and he felt whole and completed and he gently places his hand in her cheek and kisses her forehead, and he felt Adalie place her head on his chest, and hears her giggle, "I can hear your heart." Elk smiles and Adalie places his head on her chest, and he hears Adalie's heart and he smiles, "I can hear yours." Elk smiles at her, "Like they're in sync." Adalie smiles back and they lay down in the cool grass, and Elk lays his head on Adalie's chest gently, feeling more...completed that before. He felt home...





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