Chapter 12: Sacrifices

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Keres leads Hadeon and Adron into the village and everyone freezes, looking at the trio and Keres holds her staff, looking around, "Well well well...what a surprise. This is a nice party, shame we didn't get an invitation. Oh well, I've been known to be a party crasher." She chuckles and Adron spots the Woman's staff and realized it was the key. His hair feathers ruffle up, ready to grab it and the Woman threatens them with it, pointing the blade at them. The centaur shaman woman steps forward, "You have no right being here, Keres. How are you even alive? You died on the battlefield at the war." Keres smiles, looking at her, "Well, let's just say someone gave us a visit and brought us back somehow, which is what we're here for. It isn't too much to ask is it?" She gives a small chuckle and steps forward, "We just want that person and we'll be on our way."

Adalie's eyes widen in realization. When she brought Elk to life, the magic must've stuck and brought these three back to life as well, and now they are looking for her. Keres holds her staff and looks over at the Woman who held her key staff, "Along with the key. Give us what we want and no one has to die today." Hadeon draws his sword and points it at the crowd, and centaurs up front back away a bit in fear. Keres stares the crowd down, and snaps her fingers to Andron and he launches himself towards the Woman, talons out to grab the staff, and they fight. Anyone who tried to attack them or stop him was lifted by magic and thrown out of the way, and Adron manages to scratch the Woman's eyes to where she is stunned and he brings the staff over to Keres, who uses her own to take the key's power and the orb glows red as the now powerless key staff falls to the ground.

The Woman pants, covering her eyes and Elk and Adalie rush to her side to help her up and the beartuar picks the Woman up and holds her in his hands, and she regains her sight, the rows of claw marks now show on her face and she pants. Keres smiles, and she points her staff at the crowd, "You all know what else we want. Give it to us now..." Hadeon grabs Emilia and places the sword against her neck and Keres picks up Josiah with her staff, holding him in the air and continues, "Or they die." Adalie gasps in fear, "Mom! Dad!" She stands up quickly, "It's me you want! I'm the one who has that power!" Everyone falls silent and Emilia shakes her head, "Adalie no....don't do this..." Adalie walks forward to Keres and stares at her, "Don't hurt my parents or anyone else here....They don't deserve to die...take me and let them all live." "Adalie no!" Elk runs to Adalie and holds her back, "You can't do this....I won't let you..." Adalie touches his cheek, "I can't let anyone die.."

Keres signals Hadeon, and she lets Josiah back down and the liontaur lets Emilia go and the two go to Adalie, "Sweetie, you don't need to do this, please..." "Don't leave us..." Adalie's eyes water, "I don't want anyone getting hurt...or anyone being killed....I'm sorry..." She gets lifted into the air and brought over to Keres, who smiles, "Aww how sweet. We have ourselves a little hero. This won't be the last time you see us..." She looks over at Horse and the other shaman, "I hope your 'army' can still fight like they did before." Elk pants and he growls, "NO!!" He charges towards the griffontaur, but Hadeon pounces onto him and rams the elktaur into a rock hard, causing Elk to gasp for air and he collapses to the ground and Keres uses the staff to teleport them out of there, "Until we meet again. I hope you'll be ready this time." She laughs as red smoke surrounds them and Adalie had tears falling down her face as they disappear, leaving everyone silent and in shock.






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