Chapter 14: Don't Blame Yourself

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The sun rose in the horizon, and back at the village, Elk was laying on Adalie's bed inside her cottage as everyone was waking up to prepare for the battle. He hears everyone chattering and making plans on what to do, but he covers his head with the other pillow there to hide his face as tears fall down. He felt so much guilt, wishing he could go back and stop himself from making the wrong decisions, but he couldn't. He wished that he got back up from being rammed into a rock and save Adalie or done something, but he didn't and now he doesn't know what they're doing to her, and he feels like it's his fault all this is happening.

His eyes were heavy, due to him not falling asleep last night and crying. There was a small knock, and he lifts his head and sighs, "Go...away...please..." The door opens and Wammawink peeks in, "H-Hey., you probably don't know me but uh, Horse and the centaur shaman, along with the Woman are looking for you. They might need your help as well." He stays quiet and she walks inside, "It's about Adalie, isn't it?....I know you're worried about her, especially in the hands of those brutes, but...I met her a few times and she can be a fighter and-" "You don't understand, all of this is my fault because I didn't do more to help, and I had made so many wrong decisions, so much I can't change that I wish i can take back! If she dies, her blood is going to be on my hands because I was too weak to save her when they arrived..."

He looks down and there was silence and Elk lays back down, "I wish I never touched that key...I wish I never became the beast within...I wish.... If I was still dead none of this would be happening.... I wish I could change...." He felt something touch his shoulder and he looks up to see Wammawink there, "I know it's hard, and you're in pain...but don't put the blame on yourself. You did try to help her, but that liontaur was too strong for you. Who knows what worse damage he could've done? Like snap your neck or dislocate your shoulder...But don't blame yourself...we all make mistakes we regret. Even if we can't change it, or even what we did makes people hate us, we can't change the past...but that doesn't mean we give up on the future." 

Tears fall down Elk's face as he feels Wammawink embrace him and pet his hair, "We're trying to work fast, that way we can save her in time and take them down." She appears a tissue and wipes his tears away and Elk calms down a bit, "It's just.... she gave me another chance when no one else did...or when no one else would..." She pets his head and gently lifts his head to make him look at her, "She's a very caring person, and you two would be absolutely perfect together. We're going to get her back. Now, here." She appears some gigglecakes and gives it to him, "Eat up, and then join Horse and them." He nods and she leaves the cottage, leaving Elk with some breakfast and he eats them.

Wammawink joins Horse and Rider at the centaur shaman's tent with the Woman, and she smiles, "He'll be here soon. Just having some breakfast." Horse nods, "Good, is he okay? He seemed really upset last night..." Wammawink shrugs, "Just needed some comfort that's all." After a while, Elk joins, and they discuss battle plans. Rider looks at a map of centaurworld and points at something, "That's the Nowhere King's castle. They have to be there. It's big enough like I remember." She shudders at the memory and Horse nods, "Yeah, but it's getting old it might crumble down any day or minute. So, they might want a big space to harbor their army, but maybe an even bigger space to battle, so they might go nearby-"

Horse's voice faded while Elk was wandering in his mind. He wasn't really listening to what they were saying. He didn't want to think of that place, or anything about what he done. He was very worried about Adalie, if she was okay or not, or even alive. "What are they doing to her? Is she even okay? I know everyone is trying to find a way to take down the griffontaur but.... I'm scared...I don't want to lose someone I love.... not again..." 






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