Chapter 8: Hatching a Plan

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Adron leaves his perch, flying back to the castle to tell Keres and Hadeon what he knew so far that could help with their plan of attack. He flies inside and perches on the throne arm, waiting for Keres to tell her everything. She comes out and sees him, "Adron! Good to see you. What have you got for me?" "I believe I know where the key is hidden. I sensed its presence in a small village of horsetaurs. Along with a small festival going on next week as well." Keres's eyes widen, "Well this is exciting news. The key is near, and a little party going on." The crowtaur nods, "Everyone will be there."

This made the griffontaur smile more, "Everyone eh? This will be perfect. The perfect opportunity to make an entrance on everyone and get them to talk. Take the key's powers, take the one who can bring back the dead, and go on our way to make our army and raise the Nowhere King's army as well. So, what kind of festival are we talking about?" Hadeon comes out and Adron smiles, "Some type of Blue Moon Festival." Keres raises an eyebrow and Hadeon explains, "It's celebrated everytime there's a blue moon, and all of Centaurworld gathers somewhere and celebrates." 

Keres chuckles, "Well, this will be fun. I've been known to crash a party, and this seems perfect." She turns back to Adron, "Good job. Head back to that village and them when the party is being prepared, come back and let us know, but also keep up with information. We need to find out all who will be there and keep an eye out for the key. That's what we need." He nods and flies out, heading back to the village and she sits down on the throne, chuckling evilly.

Hadeon walks over to her, and she turns to him, "They make it too easy. This is literally almost too easy! We'll have the key in no time and rule over Centaurworld and the human world! Finish what the Nowhere King started!" She laughs and Hadeon couldn't help but smile at her, "I'm sure he would've wanted this." Keres smiles at liontaur, "Indeed, and Adron can be our eyes in the sky, helping scout out what we need and make all of this possible. Who knows? We might bring back the Nowhere King himself and lead by his side." Hadeon watches as the griffontaur laughs evilly and looks out the doorway outside as the sun was setting from high noon and he chuckles, having a good feeling that this plan with go smoothly without anything or anyone to stop them at all.






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