Chapter 5: Surprise Introduction

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The next morning, the sun shines through Adalie's cottage window, the young horsetaur snoring softly. Her mother opens her door quietly, "Adalie? You awake sweetie?" She peeks through and notices the elktaur's antlers behind her daughter and walks in, and opens the curtain fully, the sun shining in their faces. Adalie groans, "Mom, what the-" "Who is that in your bed with you?!" Elk wakes up and he falls off in fright, and he tries to hide, shaking. Adalie gets up quickly and helps him, her mother in shock, "I-...When did he get here? How long has he been here in your cottage?"

Adalie calms her mother, "L-Look, it's not what it looks like." Her mother crosses her arms, "There is an elktaur, that's a male, in YOUR bed." Adalie tries to think, not wanting to tell her mother the full truth, "I found him yesterday while I was practicing, he was injured so I took him here to help him." There was an awkward silence and her mother speaks, "You still should've told me, instead of keeping it secret, or else I would've thought it was something else going on." Adalie sighs in relief and nods, "I'm sorry, okay?"

Elk stands up, and her mother walks over to him, "Well, forgive me for frightening you. I'm Emilia, and who are you?" Elk backs up a bit, "E-Elk, ma'am." "Elk?" He nods, "I don't remember my real name, s-so your daughter called me that, and I didn't mind. I'm sorry I intruded, I just..." Emilia shakes her head, "No no, it's fine. Stay as long as you need to. I just wished my daughter told me she brought someone instead of hiding it." Adalie chuckles nervously and her mother leaves, "Breakfast is almost ready, and we got to harvest some food for the Blue Moon festival that's coming up. It would be nice for you to join us, Elk."

She leaves the cottage and Adalie lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness. I'm sorry about that, are you alright?" Elk nods, "I'm fine. What's the Blue Moon Festival?" Adalie shrugs, "Anytime there's a blue moon, we host all for all of Centaurworld this festival, it's like a hootenanny in a way." Elk sits down on the bed, "Interesting." He sniffs the air and his ears perk up a bit, "Is that...what is that amazing smell?" Adalie giggles, "That must be breakfast, my dad's probably making homemade berry muffins. They're really good. Come on." She helps him and they go to the cottage.

Her father hums in the kitchen and when he sees the elktaur, he jumps back, "WOAH WOAH!" Adalie calms him, "It's okay dad, it's okay." He pants, and clears his throat, "S-So who is this....gentleman?" Adalie gets Elk over to him, "This is Elk, he was injured when I found him yesterday and so he's gonna stay here for a while." Her father chuckles, "Well, nice to meet ya." He slaps Elk's back, and Elk huffs, "Ow..." Adalie shakes her head, wincing, "Dad he's injured." Her father widens his eyes, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I always do that to new people I meet." Elk chuckles, "It's fine sir. I don't mind at all." Her father chuckles, "Nice to meet ya Elk. And call me Josiah. Have a seat, I hope ya like muffins." Elk sniffs the air, "They smell delicious I could eat about a dozen." Josiah laughs and sets the hot muffins on the table, "Help yourself, but be careful." Elk takes a couple, biting into one and his eyes close in delight, "Mmm. They're so good." He takes a couple more bites and Adalie smiles, happy that he is feeling welcomed here.

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