Chapter 17: War and Death

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Elk uses some of his strength to throw the liontaur off him, and catches his breath, and Adron uses this chance and attacks again, this time scratching his eye. Elk yells in pain and his eyes glow green and the crowtaur gets flung to the wall. Adalie sees the key near her and she reaches to grab it to open her cell, but Adron grabs it in his talons and tries to flies off with them, but Adalie uses the last of her strength to knock him out against the bars and was able to unlock the cell. Elk rushes to her and helps her stand, "Oh my god, what did they do to you?..." He touches her cheek and she smiles, "I'm okay. I'm okay." There was yelling in the main room and the two look and see that Horse and the army had arrived and everyone was fighting off the minotaurs. Elk smiles and he helps Adalie, "Come on, I can find a safe spot for you." They feel a small rumble and the castle's walls crack a bit more, but still held up somehow.

They were just about to leave when Hadeon roars and tackles Elk, causing Adalie to fall to the ground and she gasps. Hadeon starts using his teeth as he bites the elktaur's back and shoulder, ripping a sleeve off his shirt, and cutting his lip. Elk yells in pain and uses his back legs to kick the liontaur in the face hard, causing him to back away. Elk looks at Adalie, "Look for your parents. I don't want you to get hurt!" He gets pushed back by Hadeon and pinned to the ground, and Adalie whimpers, "What about you?..." Elk growls as he struggles, "Just go! Go, save yourself!" He looks back at her, "NOW!" She gets up and runs, looking for her parents and she sees them taking down a minotaur and Josiah sees her, "ADALIE!" He and Emilia run to their daughter and hug her tight, "Oh thank heavens you're alive. Where's Elk?" Adalie points and they see he was on the ground, the liontaur on top of him, gripping his antlers.

Keres was having a two against one fight with Rider and the Woman, she pants, looking to see who would make the first move. Rider raises her sword and attacks, Keres fighting back, and the Woman gets Keres from behind. The griffontaur roars and stabs the ground with the staff, throwing both of them away from her and Rider pants, "How did she even manage all of this in such little time?" The Woman stands up and helps Rider, "She was born and raised into this stuff. When it comes to war, there's no time for rest or delay." Rider picks up her sword and the two charge once again, and Keres was ready for them as the three fought.

Adalie looks around and sees all the centaurs were using whatever they had to take them down, but these minotaurs are not like the one's from the last battle. Even other minotaurs were fighting them, surprised their own kind was this strong, no, much stronger than before. Arrows were flying, blood was spilling, and the sound of metal clashing together as everyone fought. She pants, lookign around and the Andron flies towards her, and she screams. She dodges as the crowtaur rips her sleeves, breaking her necklace, taking down her hair and Ched flies to the rescue and punches Adron and the crowtaur snarls and Ched lifts his hands, "Pick on someone your own species." Adron shakes his head, wiping the blood from his beak, "I eat little birdtaurs like you for dinner." Ched growls, "BRING IT ON!! COME AND GET THE MAIN COURSE!" The crowtaur screeches and the two fight, and Adalie pants as she hides behind a pillar, shaking.

 Adalie looks back at Elk who was now fighting Hadeon near the throne, and Hadeon growls, "You're nothing..." He grabs the elktaur's antlers and pulls so hard, they snap, blood flowing from them. Elk's eyes widen in shock and he gets kicked onto the stone ground. Adalie gasps, "ELK!" She runs to help him, catching Keres's eye and she smiles, grabbing a spear. She kicks Rider and uses the staff to throw the woman off to the ground and aims the spear, "Night night sweetie." She throws the spear and it flies towards Adalie. Adalie's eyes widen and she coughs blood, the spear pierced through her abdomen, blood surrounding the wound. Elk snaps his head up, "ADALIE!!"

He struggles to get up and Adalie falls to the ground and he gets there in time to catch her

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He struggles to get up and Adalie falls to the ground and he gets there in time to catch her. Emilia and Josiah see their daughter and Emilia's eyes water, "NO!" They rush to Elk and Adalie, Adalie panting, trying to stay alive. Elk's eyes water, "You're okay. You're going to be okay. It's okay, it's okay..." He holds her hand tight, tears falling down his face, "Don't leave...please...breathe..." 

Josiah touches his daughter's cheek, "Just breathe sweetie. You're gonna be okay." Tears fall down Adalie's face and she looks at Elk, "I'm...s-sorry..." She touches his cheek, leaning forward to him and they touch foreheads, and Adalie plants a small kiss on Elk's lips, before taking her last breath and closes her eyes. Josiah and Emilia hug each other, crying and Elk pants, "No, no no no....NO!" His tears turn black and he hugs her, "Adalie no...." He looks at Keres who was walking away from them and looks back at Adalie, the pain in his heart turned to anger and he yells to the ceiling, the whole castle beginning to shake and everyone freezes from what was happening.






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