Chapter 16: Ready for War

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After being told what Keres and her group was up to by Rider, the birdtaurs, and the groundtaurs, Horse decides that they needed to action now and fast, and gets everyone ready. The centaur shaman walks around with the Woman beside her, "We must move quickly. Adalie's magic being drained out is very dangerous and who knows how much longer she'll last. We don't have much time." The Woman gets on Becky Apples and rides over to Horse and Rider, "How close are we to being ready now?" Horse looks around, "Close, hopefully we can move fast enough to the castle before things get worse." Rider nods her head, "Getting the weapons ready and everything." The Woman nods, "Good. I'll get Elk and tell him we're heading out now." She goes to the cottage and opens the door, "Hey, we're-" She looks around, the cottage was empty, and Elk was nowhere to be found inside. She searches the village, asking if anyone has seen him and comes back, "Elk's not in the cottage. Which would probably mean..." 

Rider facepalms, "Oh no. He must've gone to the castle." Horse looks at her, "Rider what do you mean?" She sighs, "When I went to check on him, he seemed to be in a lot of pain and I saw his eyes flash green. He told me that they found out how to work the machine and his old magic was still active, and he was somehow able to feel Adalie's pain." Horse shakes her head, "Wait, you saw his eyes flash green?" "On no..." The two turn to the Woman and Horse had a concerned look, "Oh no? What do you mean 'oh no?'" The Woman gently pulls on Becky's reins, "We have to go now. If his old magic is still active, it's still attached to him. Meaning he might cause a lot of trouble and damage by...well...let's just say it won't be pretty." 

Horse looks at her, "You mean...he might transform back or something?" The Woman nods and Horse and Rider makes sure everyone is ready and everyone begins to head out to the castle. Adron was flying above them in the clouds and he quickly gets back to the castle, "Keres! They're heading this way." Keres growls and she goes to the large minotaur army, "Listen up! We're about to go into a battle! Get yourselves ready for a bloody bath!" They march outside and get in position to attack and Hadeon goes to Adalie, who was very weak to the point she could barely open her eyes and he lifts the lever and the handles release her and she falls to the ground. He picks her up and takes her to her cell and she snaps her eyes open and tries to fight back, but the liontaur was too strong and with one swipe, three gashes appear on her cheek and she falls to the ground and he locks the cage, "Nice try."

Keres watches the army as they all wait for Horse and her army as well. It was all quiet until she felt a sharp object cut her shoulder and she growls, "What the..." She turns and sees Elk standing there, panting and he stares her down, "You...Where's Adalie? Where is she?!" Keres grabs a spear and throws it at him and he dodges before tackling the griffontaur down to the floor. He pins Keres by her throat and he growls, his eyes beginning to glow green as he tries to choke her, and gets hit in the back of his head and gets knocked over by Hadeon and he growls. The liontaur pounces and Elk dodges and runs off to the cell room, and he finds Adalie, "Adalie!" He rushes to her and she looks at him, "'re here." He touches her cheek and touches his forehead against hers, 'The others are on their way. I'm gonna get you out." Before he could do anything, Adron swoops in and attacks Elk by going for his face. Elk yells and Hadeon grabs the elktaur and they fight, Adalie watching in horror, praying that everyone will get here quickly.






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