Water || Untie You

Start from the beginning

"There's a small amount of water drawn above your head. Do you think that has something to do with your waterbending?" Katara questions.
Her brother's face lights up at the observation. "Maybe that's why you can only make funky chunks of ice! You know, since there's only a really thin stream of it!"
"That makes sense!" I exclaim, Sokka beaming a bright smile at my reaction.
"Wait then why's all that metal stuff so big?" Aang points at the card.
Katara leans forward, squinting lightly. "Have you had any connections to metal in a specific way?"

I toss my switchblade next to the image with a dull thud. "If this counts, then yes."
We all collectively stare, giving ideas only to refute them with others. Eventually we conclude to wait until we make it to the next village to ask some questions. Being able to openly talk about what I've been worrying over and have others reassure me has taken the weight off my back. I allow myself to untie the constant bunching of taught tendons under my skin, reminding myself I have others by my side to help me be rational about my decisions.

We continue to replenish ourselves with light conversation, taking inventory of our supplies. It's easy to notice our lack of money as a few copper pieces jangle loosely in a small pouch.
"Do you think we could find any work in the area?"
Sokka huffs, "Not in our situation. We have to keep moving as much as possible at this point, but I guess if someone needs us for one day it'll work."
Although we're with the Avatar it's surprising how money is still something to fuss over. As much as I love spending time camping, the Earth doesn't naturally provide us everything a market could.

The unanimous decision is to find the nearest trading post along our route and stop by to see if anyone is available for work. If we are lucky enough there could be one waiting for us. Aang didn't need to be told twice as he shoves his belongings into their designated storage spots and settles himself onto Appa's head. Sokka and I join him, tying down everything onto the saddle.
"Look at those clear skies, buddy. Should be some smooth flying."
"Well we better smoothly fly ourselves to a market, because we're out of food," Katara states.
"Guys, wait." Sokka turns to face all of us with wide eyes, "This was in my dream. We shouldn't go to the market. "
"Are you a profit now? Another boy wonder in our crew?" I tease, but he only playfully shoves my shoulder.

Katara sits at the opposite end of Appa's back, folding her legs into a comfortable position. "What happened in your dream?" We all tentatively listen as he pauses for a dramatic effect.
"Food eats people!" Sokka scrunches up his arms and face in horror. I burst out laughing at his idiocy while his sister and Aang drop their hopeful expressions. "Also, Momo could talk," he accusingly points at the lemur. "You said some very unkind things."
"Alright big man, I promise you you're not going to be eaten." I place Momo in my lap, cradling the creature while petting between his ears. "Sokka's just spooked, you did nothing wrong."
"Why are you comforting him? I'm the one who had the nightmare!"


After traveling through limitless fields of clouds we descend into a rather empty wooden harbor. A large maze of buildings decorated by green shingles and golden accents hug the shoreline, extending into a jagged mountainside through winding footpaths. The pier is lined with booths selling a variety of items, often displaying what could be found in the row of structures modeled in a similar fashion to a barn, yet much cleaner as they're designed for storage. Farther past the row the top floors of established housing peek from behind the roofs of the storage barns. Their outward appearance of a dark brown hue was easy to notice against the barren rocky landscape.

Katara was instantly drawn to a booth selling fruits, taking what little money we have with her. As we pick over the stand it becomes increasingly obvious we can't afford anything. The Water Tribe girl bickers with the lady behind the wooden display while Sokka examines a collection of ripe apples, holding a basket provided by the woman to carry our purchases. Aang and I exchange concerned glances as the shopkeeper huffs while rounding to the front of her booth, angrily speaking to Katara.

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