Bsm: you and your friends do something dangerous

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Luke:(age:11): your friends were running away but you didn't know that you thought they just wanted to hangout so you asked Luke if you could hangout with them he said sure and dropped you off at your friends house they were packing as you said "I'm going to call my brother to come and get me I don't want to run away with you guys." They said "fine your no fun anyways." You said "sorry I don't want something to happen to me." They rolled their eyes and said "we'll be fine it'll be fun but you can call your brother we're not stopping you." You decided to try and stop them which ended up with you going with them you said "why did I fall for this?" They said "why try and stop us?" I said "for your own safety." As you guys were walking down the street you saw Harry and Oliva you said "they made me." He looked at you and said "it just looks like you guys are going to the mall or something." You said "they're heading to the bus station to run away." Olivia said "hold it there girls." They stopped and said "we're going to the mall." Harry said "nice try yn told us what you're doing." They glared at you you said "sorry I want you girls safe." Then Harry drove your friends back to their houses and drove you home you got home Sierra said "what were you thinking." I said "it was my friends idea I didn't want to go along with it I was trying to get them to not do it." Luke said "good never pull that again you're lucky Harry and Oliva saw you girls and you told them." You said "I won't." Then you chilled with them for the rest of the day.

Ashton:(age:13): you saw your friends spray painting the lockers you said "what on earth are you doing?" They said "revenge are you in." You said "no I'm not in." Then a teacher saw this and said "all you guys in the office now." You and your friends went to the office you said "why did you send me here?" The teacher said "cause you weren't stopping them." Then your friends got exspelled you walked in and the principal said "you're not in trouble you were just a stand by your brother is on his way." You nodded then your brother arrived and looked at you the principal said "thank you for coming she's not in trouble she was just a stand by of her friends spray painting lockers she wasn't involed she's free to go." Ashton said "thank you mr ypn." And shook his hand and brought you home he said "you're not in trouble but find new friends." You said "don't need to tell me again." Then you headed home and hung out with him and the others.

Michael:(age:14): your friends and you snuck out to a concert little did you know it was a Harry styles concert and they got backstage passes and front row passes you said "I'm busted for sure." They said "you'll live this will be the best night of your life." You said "more like the wrose." They said "if you don't like him you can leave." You said "I love him he's like a brother to me that's why I'll get caught." They laughed thinking you were kidding you guys got back stage Olivia said "you did not sneak out." You said "I did." Olivia said "I'm taking you home can't believe you would be so stupid." Then she went to tell Harry and he gave you a look you looked down at your feet and she brought you home you arrived home and Crystal said "can't believe you did that you know how dangerous and unsafe that was." You said "I made it back in one piece I think I'm fine and it was a Harry show so I was perfectly safe." Michael said "oh you will be fine in your room for the next 2 weeks." You sighed and then went up to your room your we're stuck there.

Calum:(age:15): you were trying to stop your friends from breaking into someone's house they said "relax we won't can't caught." You said "yes we will." They rolled their eyes and said "then let us do this go home or something." You said "no I'm not leaving if you guys aren't going to follow me." Then someone said "I would hope all of you would leave." It was Amelia you said "let's get out of here now."your friends ran out but Amelia caught you you said "I was trying to stop them." She said "I know I'm taking you home you're not in trouble but your friends are." Then she took you to your house we're the boys including Niall were he said "we're did you find her?" She said "in our house trying to stop her friends from robbing us they weren't listening here she is." Calum said "you need new friends what we're they thinking." You said "they weren't that's the problem." Then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

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