BSM: you find out that luke and sierra got engaged

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Luke:(age:11): you were in school when they announced so you weren't on your phone when you looked on your phone and saw it you screamed and ran all the way home with your friends following behind you confused out of their minds you ran into the house and hugged Luke and Sierra and said "I'm so happy for the both of you." They smiled and said "we knew you would be." You smiled happy to have Sierra part of the family finally.

Calum:(age:12): you were so happy when you saw the post and ran down to the studio which was downstairs in the house and jumped on Sierra and said "congrats I'm so happy for you guys I'm going to cry." She laughed and said "thank you we knew you would be." You smiled so happy he finally popped the question and happy he got her forever now.

Ashton:(age:13): you ran downstairs and said "I'm being the maid of honor no buts or ifs."Sierra laughed and said "you know." You said "hell yeah I'm so happy for you guys." Then you hugged them you were so happy for the both of them that they found eachother and your brother helped them do that.

Michael:(age:14): you said "almost every one in the band is married now." Sierra said "we're engaged." You said "Excatly just Calum and Ashton left." Kaykay laughed and said "won't be for a while." Ashton smiled and said "you have no idea what I have planned in the future." You said "guys my heart can only take one engagement at a time." They laughed you were so happy for them.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now