Imagine you get stood up

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Luke:you were waiting for your date to come and get you the girls and boys including the one direction boys and girls all went to the club you were waiting on the front porch and nothing no sign of him anywhere you tried calling him and he didn't pick up then you texted him nothing you sighed and sat there on your phone it was about 12:00 when you decided to go inside you walked in and opened a bottle of wine and drunk the whole thing by yourself you were pissed and upset when the boys and girls came home including the one direction boys and girls Luke sighed noticing the empty bottle and wine glass and you passed out on the couch he brought you upstairs Sierra said "can't believe that dick did that to her." Eleanor said "a lot of guys aren't like the guys that we have we got lucky." Sierra said "you're right we did." Then they headed to bed.

Ashton: you were waiting with your friend and her date since it was a double date and the guy was friends with the guy that was suppose to be here by now your friend said "he is coming right?" Looking at the guy The guy said "yeah he should be here I told him if he stands her up it's not going to end well."you said "you got that right the boys and girls will kill him." He laughed then you guys waited the boys and girls including the one direction boys and girls arrived back from their dinner and Kaykay said "he didn't." The other guy said "he did I tried calling him and I wasn't going to go with just her friend that's not the man I'm. He did text me." You said "he didn't answer me either and what did he text you." He said "do I have to tell you?" Your friend said "yeah she would love a explanation on to why he didn't show." He sighed and said "you're going to kill him Or me." Ashton said "mate he's dead either way he stood her up just tell us what he said you're just the messager you won't get hurt." You nodded he sighed and said "fine he went out with another girl." You said "oh that didn't hurt I gotta go you two have fun don't want to ruin your night." As you ran inside Your friend was about to follow Kaykay said "we got this you two have fun." Then they left they didn't end up going on a date either feeling guilty. You were sobbing into harry as he caught you before you ran up to your room to cry he just held you as you did you ended up falling asleep on him.

Calum: the boys were at the studio and you were waiting for them to come home you had a date with Calum that night he said he would be home in time you were waiting for them for a while the girls said "they're probably running late." You said "yeah probably and he wouldn't stand me up? Right?" Sierra said "never he loves you way to much for that and if he does he will feel so guilty and horrible." You said "and I'll forgive him cause I understand his work comes before me." You waited longer still no sign of them they ended up getting back at 1:00 in the morning Calum ran to you and hugged you tightly and said "I'm so so sorry baby I didn't mean to stand you up we were so busy with the album that I couldn't get away." You said "it's ok I forgive you it's no problem I understand work comes before me." He said "I'll make it up to you and you're the best you know?" You smiled and peaked his lips and said "I know." Then you guys headed to bed.

Michale: your date was suppose to take you to a harry styles concert which the boys and girls were already at including the one direction boys and girls too you sighed knowing you guys would miss the concert since he still wasn't here and no call or text either you waited a few more minutes until you walked inside and popped open a bottle of wine pissed that he did this to you he shouldn't have done this to you of all people there will be hell to pay. You passed out on the couch the boys and girls walked in and Crystal said "that son of a bitch." Noticing the empty bottle of wine Michael said "I'll murder him if I ever see him." Then he carried you up to your bed.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now