Imagine you get into a physical fight

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Luke: you weren't one to fight people but at Harry's show this girl kept pushing you and being extremely disrespectful towards you and you couldn't take it anymore you were trying to get Harry's attention he noticed and said "you alright?" You shook your head and the girl then punched you in the face you fell hard to the floor people gasped around you and asked if you were ok you got up and said "yeah I'm fine." Harry said "get back stage now don't react." You said "you saw what she did." He said "I did and so did the others go with them now." You said "fine but I'm suing her." Pointing to the girl she rolled her eyes and said "please with what money and lawyers." Then Sierra came and everyone gasped and were fangirling over her including the girl she said "with mine and Luke's money and lawyer you'll be hearing from them or Harry's either or you're getting sue." She was shocked and Sierra helped you over and got you tissues and ice for your nose Harry came back and said "let me see." You took the tissues off and the ice off and showed him he sighed and said "I gotta get back out there security is taking her out I'm suing her." You said "good." Then you watched the show from back there the rest of the night with Luke holding you close so nothing more happened to you.

Calum: you were walking back from class when these girls smiled at you and blocked your way to get out of that place you said "please move none of us want to be stuck here." They laughed and said "yeah but all of us want to be your friend." Your friend laughed and said "yeah right just using her for her boyfriend which won't happen oh look there he is let's go yn." Dragging you towards calum and the others but not without the girl pulling your hair you gasped and fell to the ground because she pulled it hard calum came running over and said "we're suing you're not allowed at any of our things ever again or near her ever again." Helping you up he held you close and said "you ok?" You said "yeah just a headache now." Then you guys headed to the car and headed home and chilled the rest of the night.

Ashton: you were at a meet and greet watching the fans dreams come true you smiled as Ashton winked at you you were so happy you got the man of your dreams when a girl came up to you and said "how did you of all people get him?" You said "excuse me?" She said "you heard me." Ashton started coming over you said "I did hear you but why say something like that." She rolled her eyes and said "you deserve this." And slapped you hard you fell and Ashton ran over to you and helped you up and said "we're suing you leave now and never come back to any of our shows and never touch her or come near her ever again." She was shocked and got taken out by security you said "she's a bitch." Ashton said "no shit she is." Then he went back to finished as you iced your cheek with the other girls.

Michael: you were walking home from a friends house when someone grabbed you you tried to scream but couldn't and this person beat the shit out if you you kicked them were the sun didn't shine they goraned you got a good look at their face called the police and told them what happened and called Michael and the others they came right away he ran over to you in the ambulance and said "we're suing him." You said "good he won't be having kids now." The police said "you got him good." The others laughed then you were free to go.

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now