Imagine you see the guy that stood you up

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Luke: you woke up the morning in your bed figuring Luke brought you up there you showered and got changed then went down stairs they smiled at you Sierra said "you ok?" You said "yeah I'm just sticking with you guys for now on and not wasting my time on anyone else." Luke said "sounds like a plan to me." You chuckled then there was a knock at the door you went to go get it it was the guy that stood you up you wanted to slap him but knew you shouldn't so you just said "what the fuck do you want?" The guy said "I came to apologize but I see you've moved on quick." Noticing Luke behind you and the girls plus the others you said "he's not my boyfriend we're not even a thing he's like a brother to me if you just came here to judge me that's not what's going to happen cause you hurt me bad that's unforgivable now leave and never come back or you can stay and get beat up but don't think you want that." Then you slammed the door in his face Sierra said "he had some nerve showing up and saying that." You said "yeah he did he's a ass." Then you guys chilled for the rest of the day.

Calum:he ended up taking you out the next day and having a couple day for the whole day which made it up to you for the night before you loved every moment of it and he made it the best he could ever even know anything he does is really good and you loved everything about him and everything about the day it was the perfect day you loved it.

Ashton: your friend and the guy she went out with last night were coming over to check on you and to hangout then the guy that stood you up was also with them you said "what the fuck is he doing here?!?!" The guy said "I came to apologize for last night I was nervous and didn't know what else to do and didn't feel like going out last night or at least I didn't want to go out with you last night I wanted to go out with someone else." Ashton said "that's not a excuse you need to leave she's over you now and what you did to her wasn't cool of you to do did you know you made her cry? Probably not and you probably don't care that she cried herself to sleep last night leave."His friend said "he's right as I told you on the way here that was going to happen see ya around dude maybe cause what you did to her last night was low and your missing out on a amaizng girl." Then the guy left you smiled said "he had some nerve like what the fuck he needs to not like what is wrong with him and thank you for saying that." Your friend said "don't worry you won't have to worry about him anymore." You said "good." Then you guys chilled the rest of the day.

Michael:you were at a harry styles concert talking to harry and enjoying your time with him plus the others and the 5sos boys too plus the girls when all of a sudden you saw the guy that was suppose to bring you here last night with another girl harry pushed you behind him and said "she doesn't want to talk to you." The guy said "can I hear that from her and not her boy toy?" You said "he's not my boy toy and I don't want to talk to you go play with your girl toy over there you dick." He said "I'm sorry about last night I didn't want to go to this show to begin with my friends knew you would love it but I didn't want to suffer through it." Crystal said "the only thing you'll suffer through is through one of their fist or my hand and you'd rather suffer through it with that chick." Looking at the girl up and down he was with You said "yeah cause I'm about to slap you or she's about to slap you." Wanting to get closer but harry held you back and said "not worth it." Then the guy with the other girl left you said "that's why I stick with you guys." Michael said "good thing you do." Then you guys chilled the rest of the night .

Imagine/BSM part 4❤️Where stories live. Discover now