chapter 18: Pact

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"Wake up master" Iltré said

"Connor wake up," Mouse added "Wake up, please.."

"Don't leave..." she whimpered

Connor openned his eyes, being met a ton of bright lights. He sat up and looked down at his legs. A white blanket covered his lower body.

"This isn't our house" Connor groaned

Mouse moved closer to the confused Connor, She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"It's a hospital, Connor" Mouse explained

"You were rushed here after you suddenly fainted" She continued

Connor turned to face the edge of the bed and stood up. He stretched up and down, cracking a few bones here and there.

A lady walked into the room as he did his stretches. "Good to see that you're okay" The nurse spoke. She got closer to Connor and handed him a few papers

"fill out these papers before leaving please" She said as she left the room silently.

Connor sat back down and flipped through the papers. It talked about medical issues and it's there was anything wrong, Connor answered everything with a no.

He threw on his jacket and signaled Mouse that they were leaving. Mouse got up and followed Connor out the door.

The hallways of the hospital weren't too big, it was enough to fit atleast 8 people from wall to wall.

"Those sins were pretty weak" Connor laughed

"Careful what you say there," Mouse answered "They're probably going to get stronger"

They turned a corner and were met with non other than Gura. "Hey there" she waved

"How did you know-" Connor paused

"2 more sins were found at the waters by Hiroshima" Gura announced

Connor walked passed her with Mouse trailing behind him. A slight hint of annoyance was emitting off of Connors being.

"we'll get them when I want to get them." He said firmly

Connor placed the papers on the front desk and walked out of the hospital. His stomach rumbled inside of him.

"Hungry?" Mouse asked

"Yea, using powers takes a lot of energy" He replied

Mouse put up her and and a door appeared in front of him. She openned the door and it led straight to the living room of their house.

"i can make you something, so that you don't stay hungry" She said

"It's nice when you're not a tsundere" He laughed

"I swear to god," She started " I am not a fucking tsundere, If you call me a tsundere or more time-" She paused

"You're cute as a tsundere" He laughed

Mouse's face glew a bright red, steam came out of her ears. Connor walked into the door, Mouse behind him so that the portal wouldn't close

"Idiot" she mumbled

"what was that?" Connor asked

"NOTHING" She shouted

"Okay okay" Connor sighed

Mouse walked over to the kitchen, she snapped her fingers and an apron appeared on her body.

Connor was laying down on the couch, staring at the blank ceiling.

Small Mouse, Big Monkeyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें