Chapter 15: help wanted

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"Stop! that's too much" Mouse screamed

"What? you don't like being wet?" He laughed back

"I don't-" She paused

"Something wrong?" Connor asked

Mouse slapped the surface of the water and threw water straight onto Connors face. She dove beneath and slowly swam away.

Connor wiped off his face and realized what he had said. His face slowly turned red and he floated there in the water for a few seconds.

He shaded his eyes from the blazing sun. It was right above his head, shining down on the clear blue water.

"Over here!" Mouse shouted

She was further away from shore and she was waving her hand up in the air. Connor broke into a front stroke and caught up to Mouse

"Let's play a game" Mouse said cheekily

"What game?" Connor responded

"Who can hold their breath the longest" She replied

Before he could react Mouse's head was already underneath the water. Connor dove down a couple seconds later.

"Bi Bwillb bin" Mouse mumbled

She was deep below the surface. She was suspended a couple inches from the surface. Connor looked at her before swimming down to her level

They stayed submerged holding their breaths while staying completely still, trusting the water to not push them downwards.

Connor swam to the surface and took. deep breath. Mouse followed right after him, catching her breath.

"I win" She said panting

"You waited for me to go up, didn't you" Connor coughed

Mouse giggled and started to swim back to shore.

Connor placed his hand on the surface of the water and pulled himself up. He brought up his legs and stood onto the water.

"Mouse!" Connor called out as he started jogging to her

Mouse stopped swimming and looked backwards. Connor was standing in the surface of the water.

"How-?" She paused

An invisible plate was placed underneath his foot. The water below him was getting pushed away slightly.

"You want help there?" He asked her

"Yes please" Mouse responded

Connor crouched over and grabbed Mouse under her arms. He pulled her out and put her in an up-right position.

He put her over his shoulder and drew something on her calves.

Connor put her back down right in front of him

"try to walk" Connor spoke

Mouse took a step back and didn't fall into the water. She looked down at her calves and saw a ring made out of turquoise.

"it's temporary, so we should hurry back" Connor stated

Mouse started to jog back to the shore, Connor following right behind her.

"When did you learn how to do this?" Mouse asked

"when i got my powers, the tree told me everything" He proceeded to answer

They arrived at the shore the sand stuck between their toes and to the bottom of their feet. It was warm but not enough to burn their skin

Mouse walked over to a nearby umbrella that was stuck into the san. She plopped herself down on a blanket that was placed in the shade

Small Mouse, Big MonkeyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora