Chapter 4: No lights

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"SHUT UP YOU MONKEY"She yelled back.

"Look at this chat, she can't even do something so simple." Connor continued

"Thank you Connor for reminding me i can't do certain things" Mouse said sarcastically


Connor got up and walked to the washroom. "I'll be right back chat" he said changing the scene. He walked to the washroom and did his business. He stood in the hallway staring at the empty livingroom. "Maybe i should have more time with mouse" He thought to himself. "She'll probably be too Tsundere though". He proceeded back to his room and got back to streaming right away.

"Welcome back, Connor" Mouse said.

"I'm getting a little tired I might end stream soon." Connor added.

"Oh you're going to end soon?" Mouse continued.


[an hour later]

"Guys thank you all for being here, hope you have a good day" Connor said turning off his stream and raiding Mouse. He got up and stretched letting out a loud groan. He walked over to the living room and started to doze off.

Connor lay staring at the ceiling. The lights were turned off so not much could be seen, but enough to know where everything was. The walls were white and stuck out so that it was not too hard to move around in the dark. A sudden scream from Mouse's room. Connor got up and rushed over.

"Mouse what's wrong?" he said worryingly. He looked over at Mouse's monitor which was black and the lights were also turned off. "The lights suddenly turned off and the P.C stopped working." she whimpered. Connor tested the light switch, the lights weren't turning on. He moved closer to Mouse and tried to turn on the P.C, it didn't turn on. "There might be a power outage around this area." Connor said.

Mouse stood up and walked to the living room. "Where are you going?" Asked Connor. He followed Mouse to the livingroom. "If there's a black out I am not spending it alone in a dark room." She said sitting down. Connor jumped onto the couch sending mouse a couple feet off the couch. "CONNOR" she shouted and slapped hin. He started laughing and looked at his phone.

"There is a power outage all over tokyo and electricians are trying to figure out how to fix it" A voice from the phone said.

"I am so glad that data is working right now" Connor said relieved.

"What do we do until the power comes back on?" Mouse asked.

"I have a couple board games," Connor replied "I can finally teach you chess, like you always wanted.

Connor walked off into the darkness to a closet near the front door. He opened it up and brought out a box and what looked to be a lamp. He turned on the lamp and makes his way track to mouse. "I have a light here, and a chess board with the pieces." Connor said. Mouse took the box from him and opened it. Connor put the lamp on the coffee table and started setting up the board.

"Thanks for teaching me" Mouse mumbled

"What's that" Connor said


Connor burst out and started laughing. "You're such a Tsundere mouse, it's really cute" He added

"C-Cute??" She thought "Did he just call me Cute??"

"So the queens do this.. bishops to this... knights do this.. pawns move like this..." Connor said. Connor looked up at mouse, she seemed somewhat determined to learn

"Hey Connor.." Mouse said shyly. "Could i sit on your lap?" She continued. Connor looked at her a little bit confused. "I don't mind" he replied. Mouse's eyes began to sparkle and her face all red. Connor opened his arms to signal that Mouse could move onto his lap. "Just this once" He said. "Yea yea whatever" she replied.

Mouse sat down on his lap. Because of the height difference, his lap felt big, his body was also pretty warm. Connor slowly wrapped his arms around Mouse's waist.

"WHO SAID YOU COULD DO THAT" Mouse said moving away.

"I thought you'd like it" he said cheekily


"Look mouse, there's no need to be tsundere, plus, we're only friends." Connor said calmly.

"F-Fine" Mouse said hesitantly.

She placed herself back onto his lap and he wrap his arms around her. "It feels nice like this" She thought to herself slowly falling asleep. Connor seemed to also be out cold for a while.

[2 hours later]

Mouse opened her eyes to see Connors face right in front of hers. Her face became a deep red but she didn't react. "As long as he's not awake" She thought. She moved in closer to his torso. Connors arm suddenly wrapped around her side. "its still dark, go back to bed" He mumbled in his sleep. Mouse jerked away and sat up. "Just once" she thought positioning her face in front of his.

Just then, the lights turned off and Connor woke up. Mouse seemed to have already returned to her room and he lay there alone on the carpet. He got up and wiped his lips. "Did my lips bleed?" He thought "Why are they so red?". Connor walked to mouse's room and she seemed to be sleeping. "Guess i was just imagining things" He said quietly

Small Mouse, Big MonkeyWhere stories live. Discover now