Chapter 5: Marks

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"C-Connor" Mouse whimpered

"Mouse..." Connor said back

Connor moved in closer to mouse.

[3 hours before]

"Mouse! Dinners ready!" Connor shouted down the hall. Mouse ran out of her room and sat down quickly. "what's for dinner?" Mouse asked. "Some Pizza," he said "since i was too lazy to make anything.

Mouse and Connor started chowing down on the pepperoni pizza. "How was your day today, Mouse?" Connor asked. Mouse looked up at him and finished chewing on her slice. "It was good, my stream was fun today." she said.

Connor got up and got a can out of the fridge. The can read 'Strong Zero'. It apparently was a strong drink in Japan that could black someone out. "You're drinking tonight?" Mouse asked "Could i have some?". Connor looked at her with a confused face.

Connor opened the can and took a sip. "Aren't you not allowed to have drinks?" He said curiously. Mouse slammed her hands on the table lightly. "I CAN HAVE DRINKS YOU MONKEY" She shouted. Connor looked at her doubtfully. "

"You can have a sip of this" Connor said handing over the can. 

"Fine" she said pouting.

The drink had a sort of fruity taste to it and didn't seem alcoholic. It was more like a lemonade that was chilled in a freezer for a couple hours. "So?" Connor asked. Mouse didn't respond and stared at the can.

"Mouse I swear if you lied about being able to dri-" Connor stopped.

"could i have my own can please?" Mouse asked looking up at Connor.

Mouse's face was red and her eyes looked very wanting. She stared into Connors eyes and he couldn't resist it.

"Fine mouse, since you're soo cute" He sighed

"Yay!!" Mouse jumped up with joy.

Connor pulled out another can from the fridge. He popped it open and handed it over to Mouse. She gladly took it and started drinking.

"Careful mouse, it can knock you out after 3 cans" Connor said taking a sip of his own can.

Mouse got up and walked to her room without saying anything. "I wonder what's wrong with her" Connor thought to himself. He walked to her door and knocked lightly. "Hey mouse, are you okay?" He asked. There was no response from her. "she might be sleeping right now" He said to himself.

Connor brought out his phone and looked at the time. It was 9:00pm Japan time and he had to get going. "Oh shit i have a stream soon" he said running to his streaming room. He turned on his P.C and began to stream.

"Connor" A voice came from the door.

"Connor" it called again.

"Connor" it said one more time.

He looked over to the door and changed the scene to be right back. "Mouse? is that you?" He called out. He got up and opened the door. He saw Mouse standing there, her face bright red. She let out a hiccup.

"What's up mouse?" He asked

"Connor..." she whispered

Mouse looked up, her eyes were the shapes of hearts. Connor looked into them worried. "Are you okay mouse?" He asked worried.  

Mouse pounced on him, causing the both of them to lose their balance. They allay on the floor with Mouse sitting on Connors stomach.

"My monkey" She mumbled

Connor attempted to get Mouse off but it just wasn't working. "What's wrong with her" He thought.

Connor pushed Mouse away and got onto his feet. Mouse let out a light grunt. "Oh sorry mouse are you oka-" he paused.

Mouse got up and walked over to Connor again. He placed her hand on his chest. "idiot" she said.

"Mouse, do you need something?" He asked

"I need you" She mumbled

"What??" He said stepping back.

"did you not hear me?"She said annoyed "I need you"

Connor stood there for a second. He then took Mouse by her hands and took her to the couch. "Mouse, I Think you're just drunk" he said siting down.

Mouse sat on his lap facing him. "I'm not that drunk Dummy-" She said. Mouse placed her lips onto Connors cheek.

"M-Mouse??" He shouted surprised.

Mouse moved in again and this time kissed his neck. "Mouse you need to stop" Connor said with a loud voice. Connor tried to pull away but Mouse had a good grip.

Connor gave in and went with the flow. He pulled her close.

"C-Connor" Mouse whimpered

"Mouse..." Connor said back

Mouse woke up. Rays of sun were streaming though her blinds. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. "I can hardly remember what hap-" She cut herself off. "OH GOD" She screamed.

Connor ran into the room and looked around. "What's wrong mouse??" He screamed. Mouse covered her face and responded "y-yea, Just a dream" She said laying back down.

"Oh alright" Connor responded leaving the room.

Connor walked over to a nearby mirror and lifted up the back of his shirt. There were marks all over his upper back. "I'm glad she doesn't remember" He thought to himself.

He went over to the washroom and walked to the sink. "It's a good thing that I got the hickeys off. " He sighed. "As long as she doesn't know, it should be fine" He continued.

Just then, Mouse walked into the washroom. She looked at the marks on Connors back. "D-Did I do that??.." Mouse spoke softly. She ran back to her room and slammed the door.

Connor knocked at the door. No response. He knocked again. Still no response.

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