"Th-thanks", I said blushing, not being used to be complimented like this by him.

He took both my hands into his and kissed the back of each, then said:

"I'll go and get into my suit, while you can do your hair and makeup. But....", the tall man came very close now, stroking along my cheek with one hand, then brushed his thumb over my lips, "...don't overdo it. You look very pretty naturally. No need to ruin your beauty with any cosmetics, love!"

I felt, like I was simply melting into the ground. From being flustered, from feeling touched, from having a whole swarm of akumas soaring through my stomach. FROM WANTING HIM RIGHT NOW!

"You are getting me into a very special mood with the things you say!", I whispered into his ear, then tenderly bit his earlobe and let it slip out between my teeth very slowly.

Gabriel took a sharp breath and grabbed the small of my back to pull me close.

"I like that mood! Keep it for later, we need to get dressed and finished! Oh and, to your concern about what people are going to think, I told the principal, that your father recently died and that you are my number one model, who is a wonderful singer and dancer, yet has never been to a dance herself, because of putting too much time into working and education. He of course was immediately thrilled by introducing you to his students as a wonderful role model! So, neither of us needs to worry for their reputation, okay?", he informed me sweetly.

"But what if someone figures out, that the 'role model', who is somehow responsible to keep everything moral, has been screwing around with her boss for more than two weeks already?", I mused and made him smirk over my choice of words.

"So we're just screwing around? I thought we were...well....a little more than that!"

Seeing me looking at him, completely speechless, he pecked my cheek and winked, telling me, while he walked out of my room:

"Get ready, I'll be right back!"

The butterflies in my belly were now becoming so many, that it already made me feel a little sick. Despite knowing, that imagining a future between us or even him feeling true love was a dream, which would never happen, I couldn't help but feel incredibly excited. Letting myself fall backwards onto my bed, I squealed happily and stayed like this for a moment, before I went into my bathroom, to do my hair and makeup. Being willing to do everything, to make Gabriel feel just as bubbly, as I did right now, I followed his advice and did only a light eye makeup and put on some lip gloss in the same shade as the dress.

My hair was held back by two strands from the sides of my head, right above my ears, which were braided with a third taken from the back of my head, so it would stay out of my face, yet still fall lightly over my back and shoulders.

I had given the shoes, I was going to wear a lot of thought, being stuck between the last two pairs of the five I owned, that would match the dress. Knowing, that Gabriel was taking me, my decision was quick. I chose the one, that made me taller, to make it easier to dance with him.

Taking a look at the time, I gasped, it was only half an hour left, until I had to be there, as I was supposed to attend a short meeting with the other parents who were supervising the whole event and the teachers in the principal's office.

Adrien would be driven by the Gorilla, as he and his friends called him, after the man had brought me, or now me and Gabriel, to the school, to pick up Marinette all gentleman like at her home, meeting her parents, taking pictures, getting 'the' talk from her father, probably.

I giggled at the thought, Marinette being all nervous and even more clumsy as usual already, to then having to watch her dad saying a lot of most likely very inappropriate things about girls and boys and bees and flowers to the boy she had the crush of the century on. And imagining Adrien, all innocent and polite as he was, listening to Mr Dupain, while he was talking about 'him' and Marinette getting too close and doing 'things' was hilarious. I wished I could watch.

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