"Austin I think I need to--" Abigail tries to sit up but her weak hands make her collapse back in the bed. "Henry's in trouble I-I need to help him,"

  "You're weak right now, Abigail, I need to bring you back upstairs to the bedroom," Austin says, picking up Abigail from the bed and sits her down on her feet on the floor. She walks from the bedroom and looks down in the basement with Kyle holding Henry by his hair on the ground and punching him repeatedly in the face.

   Abigail begins for the stairs before Austin grabs her arm. "I'll go down there, please go upstairs to the bedroom," Austin walks down the basement stairs and Abigail sprints to the bedroom, standing outside the door. She places her hand on the doorknob and quickly opens the door, biting her lip by the pain shooting through her body.

  Derek and Amelia sit inside on the floor and they both look up when Abigail walks into the bedroom and slams the door behind her, locking the door to make sure Kyle wouldn't be coming in. "Derek, is that Abigail?" Amelia asks on the floor, quickly scrambling to her feet.

  "What-- What happened to your hands?" Derek walks forward and takes both of Abigail's hands, looking down at the blood soaking the bandages. "Oh God, what did he do to you?"

  "I'm fine," Abigail pulls her hands away from Derek and looks back at the door as she waits for Austin. There was finally knocking on the door and Abigail unlocks the lock and opens the door a bit to see Austin standing outside with a bloody nose and blood oozing down from his mouth.

  Abigail pulls open the door and Austin runs inside, quickly closing the door back behind him. He inhales a shaky breath and leans his back against the door, squeezing his eyes shut.
  "Abigail? Who the hell is he?" Derek demands, grabbing Abigail's wrist and pulling her away from Austin.

  "Who is who?" Amelia asks, finding her way towards Austin and begins feeling his face. "Is he new? What's his name? Is he an ass?"

  "No, he's not a danger," Abigail pulls Amelia from Austin, looking back at Derek. "His name is Austin, he's not going to hurt us, Derek,"

  "Are you lying? Did he tell you to say this?" Derek clenches his fists, glaring over at Austin.

  "Calm your tits, I'm not going to hurt you all," Austin locks the door and then slides down to the floor.

  "Where the hell did he come from? How long has he been here?" Derek continues, looking over at Abigail with his eyes filled with worry.

  "Um well, I met him when I first arrived here," Abigail looks down at her bandaged hands as she spoke to avoid eye contact. "I thought he was dead so I never brought him up but now he's not dead and he's with us,"

  "Is he attractive?" Amelia asks finally, tilting her head up towards Derek. "I want to know what he looks like, but all I know is that he has a weird face,"

  "Oh yes, I'm very attractive," Austin chuckles tiredly, covering his mouth as he yawned. "I'm more attractive than the other dude anyways,"

  "I wouldn't know, I've never seen him," Amelia feels her way to the wall and slides down by Austin.

  "Well you're not missing out," Austin laughs but stops when retrieving a glare from Derek.

  "Abigail, I need to talk to you," Derek grabs Abigail's wrist and walks her into the bathroom, closing the door behind them. "I have some questions, and you seem to have the answers. What happened to your hands? Why the hell is he here? Why is there crashes downstairs?"

  "If you want it honestly, I'll give it to you I guess," Abigail sighs and moves down the bandage of her left hand to show Derek the hole in her hand and the blood everywhere. "Kyle nailed my hands to the bed. I'm not sure why Austin's here, I only knew him for an hour at most. Henry and Kyle got into a fight, I'm not sure how it is now,"

  Derek inhales a shaky sigh and runs his fingers through his hair. "I'm not going to be comfortable until I know this kid, I need to know his whole story, Abigail,"

   "Sure, go out there and ask him, I'm not going to stop you," Abigail shrugs her shoulders and opens the bathroom door, walking out with Derek following behind him.

   "I heard you in the bathroom, you talk loud," Austin says, looking up from the floor and at Derek and Abigail. "So gather around children, Austin's about to tell you all a story,"
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        Edited: April 17, 2016

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