Fawn used the distraction to slip out after her. Alice had seen something, and Fawn needed to know what exactly that had been.

Fawn found the girl a few minutes later, sitting, knees drawn up against her chest in the middle of an empty corridor. Her hands were shaking, and she was rocking back and forth for comfort.

"Alice?" Fawn called, approaching the fearful Gryffindor. Fawn sunk down to Alice's level, grabbing her cold hands in her own. "What's going on?"

Alice's lip trembled, her hands squeezed onto Fawn's as if it was the only thing keeping her there, her short hair had somehow become slightly staticky, "I-I saw something," she whispered between labored breaths, "Something I really-really wish I d-didn't see."

"Okay," Fawn said slowly, "Do you want to tell me about it?" Seeing the look of hesitation on her friend's face she continued. "I promise I won't say anything."

Alice nodded slightly, her breathing returning to its normal state. "It was more than just pictures in the dregs," she admitted cautiously. "It—I think I had a vision, Fawn."

  "What was it?"

  "L-Lily and James—," she choked on her words, "— They- green light— I-I don't know— I think they died—"

Fawn's blood ran cold; Alice Fortescue was a Seer and so far the future was still the same as ever.

"There was a baby too."

  Fawn nodded slowly, deciding it best not to make Alice any more anxious. "O-okay Alice, it's okay. Let's just hope that that was fluke, yeah?" Alice nodded sharply.

"But, but what if it's not?"

  "We'll protect them."


And just like that it was summer. Four more years until that dreaded day that hopefully would never come. The group had a myriad of plans for the holidays that made Fawn wonder how exactly they'd get through it all but was not going to question the determination of the kids she'd grown to know and love so dearly.

The first plan was Regulus' birthday which was a huge cause for celebration given that if he hadn't gotten out when he did, Regulus Black would be a marked Death-Eater today.

Fawn and Lily were sure to get their favorite Muggle treats for the group while the boys, Marlene and Alice, set up the Potter's backyard with hundreds of decorations.

So many hours were spent laughing, talking and dancing around the yard with not a care for the world as the summer day faded out with red and gold.

"Make a wish Reg," said Sirius bringing over a chocolate cupcake for the boy. Regulus smiled watching the flame dance melting the blue candle, he closed his eyes and made a wish that maybe if Fawn succeeded in that mission of hers, would come true.



  "What was the best birthday party you've been to? Other than this one of course!"

The brunette laughed, looking at the people around her whose faces were starting to disappear with the fading light. Truthfully there hadn't been many birthdays she'd experienced other than a few kiddie ones during primary school. She truly had no idea.

"I don't know, I haven't been to many birthday parties."

  James frowned. "Well we're going to change that," he exclaimed. "When's your birthday?"

Remus chuckled knowingly but said nothing as Fawn shot a look at the boy.

"May second."

Her friend's faces dropped in a look of shock and betrayal. "You didn't tell us!" shouted Marlene. "Fawn we could've done something!"

  "Yeah come on Fawnie!"

  She held up her hand in surrender at the accusations. "Guys I appreciate your concern but I don't like celebrating my birthday much."

This was met with another outburst but luckily they dropped the topic. At least for this year.

Soon enough the group headed inside calling out goodnights to one another as they reached their rooms. Regulus pulled Fawn back before she reached the door. She turned to the boy who she'd grow to trust immensely, wondering what was wrong.

"Thank you," he said earnestly.

  "What for Reg?"

  "Everything," he scratched his arm absentmindedly where the mark was supposed to be, "If it weren't for you I would be in a very different situation right now, a situation I haven't wanted since third year but was too afraid to get out of. I can never begin to make it up to you, but I truly owe you my life."

Fawn smiled softly at the boy that had been painted as a villain for so many years who couldn't be farther from it. "Of course, you deserve happiness, you deserve to live a life that makes you excited to wake up every morning. You do not owe me anything, Regulus."

  "I do though."

She laughed lovingly. "Fine then, you'll have to save my life at one point I guess," she joked.

   "I will."

It was a promise. This girl, the time-traveler was doing so much, not only for him, but for others he was sure. Regulus Black promised himself that he would do everything in his power to make sure Fawn Briggs mission was carried out to completion, nothing would get in the way if he had a say in it.

End of 6th year, suggested break.

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