Chapter 68- Julian's POV

Start from the beginning

Fucking shit.

I walked to the mirror and stared at my reflection. My face was covered with dirt residue; I had blood on my cheek. I looked so familiar, yet so different. I stared infinitely; my image began to disfigure. My mind was twitching, and I couldn't recognize who I was anymore.

"If you're just going to observe and not come talk to me, then let me the fuck out!" I spoke to whoever was standing on the other side. "NOW!"

Silence erupted, then the door opened. Donovan entered the room. I met Donovan when I moved to Toronto. Five-foot-eight, a soft body with a belly. He was the chief police. He hated me, and he tried to throw me in jail since then. Seeing him tonight was more upsetting. I didn't expect him to understand me.

"Do you want to sit down?" He offered to me.

"Fuck you. Do you think this is the moment for me to fucking sit down? My girlfriend is at the hospital, and I have no fucking idea if she died or not, and you're offering me a fucking chair? Let me the fuck out!" I lashed out.

"I just want a statement from you."

"What more fucking statement do you want?"

"Many witnesses saw you with a gun-."

"Oh my fucking God." I banged my head twice on the wall. I channeled all my inner peace.

"Yes, the gun is mine. It is legal and registered under my name and the state of Texas."

"Why did you use it tonight at your school?" He leaned on the table.

I was channeling still. I was channeling.

"Because I was on the phone with my girlfriend, I heard the attack. I saw him over her, I fired. Am I done with your fucking statement?"

"Are you responsible for the hit and run at the 4th intersection?" He wrote something on a paper clipboard.

"Get me the hell out of here now!" I hissed between my teeth. I had no more inner peace left, and the adrenaline pumping through my veins was a clear indication I was about to lose my shit.

"Are you sure you're not responsible for both attacks?"

I grabbed the chair and threw it at the mirror, which cracked.

"I don't know what the fuck is your fucking problem with me. Since I was fifteen, you've been trying to throw me in jail, and I don't give a shit if you don't like me or my family. But now, be a fucking human being. The girl I love just bled in my hands, and I have no fucking idea if I am going to spend one last time with her. Her fucking sicko ex attacked her and wasn't even breathing when I arrived. I caused the wreck at the intersection because I was trying to get there in time, so did anybody fucking die?" I spat on his face. "DID SOMEONE FUCKING DIE?"

"No. Not that we are aware of." He swallowed.

"Then I don't give a fuck. Unless you're charging me tonight, cause on my mama if she dies and I am not even there to say goodbye, I will personally burn down this station and your house with your wife and kids trapped inside, and you know damn well I will get away with it, so call my dad and get me to the hospital now!" He stared at me for a while before leaving the room.

After a few moments, the door opened. I had a ride to the hospital.

Then the scene switched. I ran inside crazy. I asked for her at the front desk. The nurse raised her eyes to me, analyzing the blood on my face, before telling me the floor she was on. I took the stairs. I was afraid to be alone with myself in the elevator. The more I saw my face, the more I felt guilty, and it ate me alive.

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