16: Glamrock Freddy

Start from the beginning

He managed to locate the person, and his head began to twitch along with his eyes. His security systems quickly detected this person as someone new. Someone who wasn't a guest.

A threat?

Freddy's systems quickly began to overload and he suddenly fell back, shutting down and dropping his mic in the middle of a show. Without any control.

The crowd gasped, quickly feeling panic or worry.

"Fred?" Monty asked, walking over. "Yo, Fred!"

Freddy didn't respond, his eyes shut.

"Oh, no, no, no!" Chica exclaimed, rushing to her friend's aid and helping him up by putting his arm over her shoulder.

Roxy gulped, also going over to Freddy before gesturing to Monty to address the crowd.

Monty blinked. "Uhhh, sorry everyone! Freddy's still not up to it! The show will go on! That we promise!"

As the crowd...reacted to that, the Glamrocks just took Freddy to his room, wondering what the heck had happened to him.

But, while this happened? A figure with bright red eyes and rabbit ears watched with an evil grin. SHE tapped her fingers against the glass before walking off. "Yes...the show will go on~"

Later that night, Freddy's systems started to boot up before 'SAFE MODE' flashed in his eyes and he saw himself...standing, but unable to move much. He was in his green room, in Rockstar Row. Looking at himself in the mirror. His orange and peach face, with his red and blue 'makeup' across his eyes.

Freddy stared at himself, confused. "Showtime, already? I...am experiencing a malfunction." He said before seeing that he was only on two bars of battery. "The recharge cycle is not complete."

Then? A voice spoke. It was high, almost sounding like...a little boy. "SHH! Would you shut up?!"

"Who said that?" Freddy asked, looking around.

"I did! I'm down here!"

"Down where? I still do not see you."

The voice took a deep breath. "Okay, listen. You were sleeping, so I opened the stomach hatch and climbed inside."

Freddy's eyes widened. "My...stomach hatch? That place is reserved for over sized birthday cakes and pinatas! It is NOT a safe play area!"

Then? His stomach hatch opened and out crawled a little boy, like he suspected. He had peach skin, incredibly messy brown hair, and was wearing a blue striped shirt with Freddy's logo stitched on it in black, and light brown shorts. Finally, he had some kind of...scar on his cheek.

If he was wearing a Fazbear brand shirt, he must've been a guest. Right?

Freddy then gently picked up the boy. "There you are!" He said, suddenly scanning the boy. "Scanning complete." He said as he gently set him down. "How odd...your guest profile is...unknown to me. Who are you?"

The boy looked incredibly nervous before speaking. "I...I'm Gregory."

"Gregory." Freddy repeated before humming. "I will notify the main office." But when he paused for a moment to do just that, he stopped. "Connection error. I cannot connect to the main network."

"It's HER." Gregory said. "She cut you off. She's not going to let you call for help until she finds me."

"Who?? Who is looking for you? Your mother?" Freddy asked, tilting his head.

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