Chapter 15

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Twenty-three days had passed. It was now day eighty-four since Gotham was taken over by Bane. During the last twenty-three days, John has been going off on his own into the city doing things that I had no idea about. He would even take Gordon with him leaving me and Penelope alone in the apartment. During that time, Penelope and I would go out into the city, check on Mr. Fox, who promised Penelope that one day when the city was back to normal will make her a new suit.

When we weren't visiting Mr. Fox asking him about the bomb or how we could find it, we decided to track the three trucks. It was easy to see their routes and memorized it. When everyone was back at the apartment, we acted like a family. I'd cook a meal, sometimes a can of soup or a burger if John got to the supply store quick enough. Penelope would set the table while Gordon and John spoke in the living room, but sometimes they would help out in the kitchen. Of course John wasn't allowed to help with the cooking. I found out that Gordon was a decent cook. Specially with burgers.

As the days went by John and I had grown closer. We told Gordon and Penelope the good news about us becoming a couple. They were happy and Penelope shouted out a finally.

“We should go now, Gordon. The supermarket should have some new supplies to get” He said giving Gordon a look and I knew something big was going to happen.

Gordon nodded and stood up. They left and I told Penelope to stay in the apartment while I followed them. She of course had no choice but the stay. She had sprung her wrist the day before after punching a wall by accident. Penelope complained as I shut the door. I silently followed the two men as they made their way to the store. It was filled with men and I saw Foley among them.

“How can we trust you?” Foley asked a man.

“They don’t have any choice” Gordon said as he and John emerge from the back of the room.

I quickly hid behind a crate and watched them speak to one another.

“Commissioner Gordon? Captain Jones, Special Forces” The man who Foley spoke to said.

“Captain, glad to have you here” Gordon said looking at the man.

“How many of you are there?” Captain Jones asked.

“Dozens. I’d rather not say exactly. But the men trapped underground number almost three thousand” Gordon said.

“What kind of shape they’re in?” He asked.

“They’ve been getting water, food” Gordon said.

“Could we break them out?” He asked.

“Yes, sir. Take out the mercenaries guarding the outflow south of Ackerman Park, blow the rubble, you’ve got a hole big enough for ten at a time. I’m in contact with my partner. They’re waiting for the day” John said.

“Men who haven’t seen daylight for three months?” A man next to Captain Jones said.

“Men with automatic weapons who haven’t seen daylight in three months” John said.

“What about the bomb? The satellites can’t see any radiation hot spots...” Captain Jones began, but Gordon cut him off.

“They keep it on a truck. It must have a lead-lined roof. They move it constantly” Gordon told him.

“But you know the truck?” Captain Jones asked.

“They’ve got three of them. The routes don’t vary much” Gordon said.

“What about the trigger man?” Captain Jones asked.

“No leads. It’s a bluff. Bane wouldn’t give control of that bomb to someone else” Gordon said.

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