Chapter 7

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AN:This author note has nothing to do with this story, but if you're a fan of Harry Potter and RPGing, then you should check out Accio Nox. It's a great free Harry Potter role playing site.

Dropping Bruce off in front of an old apartment building, Bruce told us not to wait for him. He then opened the back door for me to get out and I got into the front after giving him a hug. John was about to drive to the diner when he got a call on his radio. He let out a sigh and apologized to me that we won't be able to get lunch at the diner.

“It's fine” I told him as he drove through Gotham with his light and siren on.

John stopped his car and told me to stay in there while he walked over to three other officers who stood by a dumpster with a body covered by a white sheet on the ground. I got out of the car and quietly hid behind a car that was close to the scene of the crime. John crouched down and lifted the sheet up to show a man. I couldn't help, but wonder where I had seen this man before. Then I remembered the night of that banquet at the manor when that awful pig of a man smacked my bottom. He was the man!

Well at least he won't be harassing anybody no more. I let out a sigh and quickly went back to John's car. I sat there for a moment watching John and the three men talking. With a nod of his head John began to walk over to the car. He got in and started it up.

“So who's the dead guy?” I asked him.

“John Daggett. He's like this some sort of billionaire” John said as he drove away.

“Hm, so we heading to the diner for some lunch?” I asked him and he chuckled shaking his head.

“How do you feel about hospital food?” He asked glancing at me.

“It's fine I guess, why?” I asked him.

“I need to see Jim Gordon” He said.

We made it to Gotham General and I followed John to the floor that Jim Gordon was on. John walked into the room and I saw the man from the night that Batman had returned.

“Can we help you, officer?” The man asked John.

“John Daggett’s body was found in a dumpster an hour ago. I thought you might like to know” John said looking at Gordon.

“Why?” Gordon asked him.

“Because Daggett’s name is all over the permits I pulled to map the tunnels under Gotham” John said and handed Gordon some files he had, while the other guy glares at him.

“MTA maintenance, sewer construction...” John began.

“Where did you get to with the tunnel searches, Foley?” Gordon asked the guy, Foley.

“Remind me to tell the detail to keep hotheads out” Foley said to John angrily and turned to Gordon, “We’ve had teams down there, but it’s a huge network-”

“Get more men, work a grid. I want him found” Gordon cut in.

“Yeah, yeah, the masked man. We’re on it” Foley said leaving the room.

“This is good work. Lose the uniform you’re working for me now. We could use some hotter heads around here” Gordon told John after he read some of the files.

“This could just be a coincidence” John told him and I rolled my eyes.

There was no way that could be a coincidence. Like Papa said the other day, Daggett brought this Bane and his men here.

“You’re a detective now, son, you’re not allowed to believe in coincidence anymore” Gordon said and I smiled as John got promoted.

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