Chapter 12

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Walking the streets at night was creepy. There were fires on the road lighting up the place with people drinking and cheering. It made me sick seeing them. They shouldn't be celebrating! They should be trying to get Gotham back to normal! I hung my head down as Penelope and I walked past a group of drunk men. They whistled at us and I gritted my teeth as I clenched my baton that I had hidden in my sleeve.

Luckily for the men they kept walking not bothering us anymore. However as we kept walking four men with guns stopped us. I glanced up and saw how they were dressed. They were wearing the same type of clothing those men had worn when Bruce was fighting Bane. So these men worked for Bane.

“What's two girls like you doing out here all alone?” One of the four asked us.

This man must had been the leader of this little group.

“Just taking a stroll like we do every night” I told him keeping my head down so they wouldn't see my mask under my hood. Penelope did the same thing.

“Really? Well it's not safe for two beautiful young women like yourselves to be walking all alone now. It's dangerous what with the pigs being buried alive” The man said and then laughed.

“Quit talking to them Larry and grab them already. We're bored and need some entertainment!” One of the men shouted with a bored tone.

“You can't rush things like this Harry. We should at least get their names” He said looking at the one man who must be Harry.

I grinned as he turned around.

“You want some entertainment? Well you came to the right girls then” I told him and he grinned.

“So what's your names sweet heart?” He asked me.

“Well it starts with a b and ends with an l and it's seven letters” I told him.

“Hm, I give up. What is it?” He asked and I rolled my eyes.

I let my baton drop from my sleeve until it was in my hand. I hit the man in the gut making him drop.

“Batgirl” I told him and jumped behind a dumpster that somebody had brought out from an alley dragging Penelope with me.

Bullets hit and flew by the dumpster. I threw two flash bangs over to the four men. It went off distracting the men. I jumped out and attacked them. I grabbed a man as one of the four came to his senses. The man held onto was shot over ten times by his men. I tossed the dead man at the three making them fall to the ground and dropping their weapons. I kicked them away as I got out a miniature version of my grappling gun.

“Get up” I told them as I aimed the weapon at them.

“Wow that was awesome, Batgirl” Penelope said excitedly as she stood close by.

They stood with their hands in the air looking at me. I shot the grappling gun making it wrap around the three men around a pole light. I got out a my pistol and held to a man's head.

“Now tell me what you know about Batman? Is he alive? Where is he?” I asked them.

“I ain't telling you nothing” The man spat with a foreign accent.

“No?” I asked and kneed him between the legs.

I then turned to the man next to him.

“What about you? Do you know anything?” I asked the man who shook slightly.

“N-No, please don't hurt me” He stuttered.

“I won't if you just tell me where Batman is and if he's alive. I'll even set you free” I told him.

“Maybe that's not a good idea, Batgirl” Penelope said and looked at her.

“Quiet, Huntress” I hissed at her.

I wasn't really going to set him free. If I did then he'd free the others, and I could end up dead. And when Penelope and I get back to the apartment we're going to have nice long chat about being quiet when I'm busy dealing with criminals. I knew she was a teenager and didn't have experience with anything like this. Now that I look back on that, it wasn't really a smart idea to agree with her becoming my sidekick at the moment.

“He is alive! Bane took him to th-” Before the man could even finish his sentence a bullet went between his eyes.

I screamed and dropped to the ground with wide eyes in surprise. I quickly turned my head to see a giant muscular figure walking slowly towards me. I stood up and glared at the bald masked man. I pushed Penelope behind me to protect her.

“Bane” I spat through gritted teeth.

“It seems the little bat has come out of the cave to hunt with a little friend” Bane said staring at me.

“Where is he?” I asked him.

“Batman?” He asked, “He's where he needs to be. That's all you should worry about at the moment for you are in a great amount of danger along with your, sidekick?”

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