Chapter 9

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Once morning came John left and I decided to get some much needed sleep. Around three I woke up and took a shower before leaving the apartment. I decided that today I would visit the boys home. I hung out with Nick and Mark. Played some basketball with some of the older boys and put on a sock puppet play for the younger ones. When I left the home it was around five. As I drove the camaro an explosion happened. The car flipped over on to it's side. I let out a groan as I un-buckled myself. I climbed out of the car and looked around me.

Other cars that had been on the road were flipped onto their tops, side and some had even crashed into each other or poles. People were running around screaming and shouting. I ran over to an abandon car and took off in it. Today was the day. It was day that the storm had hit and today is when the people of Gotham must learn to rise above it.

In the car that I had taken, I drove quickly to Wayne Manor and packed all the weapons and equipment that I could get and then locked the cave down so no one could enter into it except for me or Bruce if he ever returned. I left the manor and went back to the apartment. I sat on the couch with my eyes glued to the TV screen of the news showing footage of Bane at the football stadium after hiding the weapons and stuff. The door to the apartment opened and I stood up quickly to see that it was John and Gordon.

I ran over to John and hugged him tightly. John wrapped his arms around me.

“I was so worried” I told him.

“So was I. Are you okay?” He asked me and I nodded.

“Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?” I asked him.

“I'm okay” He said.

I let go of him and turned to Gordon.

“And you, Commissioner?” I asked him and he nodded.

“I'm fine, Ms. Smith was it?” Gordon said.

“Please call me Lily” I told him and he nodded.

As the night went on, Gordon and John stayed in the living room talking, and thinking up plans. I left the living room to go to 'bed', but really I put on the suit and walked onto the fire escape. Knocking on the window making John and Gordon jump, I opened the window and stepped in.

“Hope you don't mind if I walk in, John. Commissioner, I think it's time for us to finally meet in person, I'm Batgirl” I told him and in a second Gordon held a pistol at me.

I raised my hands up as John stood up standing in front of me slightly.

“Commissioner, you can trust her” John said.

“How do you know that? She could be two timing us with Bane!” Gordon said and I scoffed.

“Really, Commissioner? Why would I be two timing you when I saved Gotham from the Penguin and Riddler. You can trust me” I told him.

Gordon stood there for a second before lowering his gun down. I smiled and sat down in a chair.

“So boys, what's the plan?” I asked looking at the two.

“We wait to see what happens tomorrow” John said.

“Okay, then why don't you two get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day” I said and stood up, “Be safe out there”

I walked out of the window and back into John's room. I quickly took the suit off and hid it in the duffel bag under his bed. I slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms and laid on the bed. I closed my eyes when I heard John's door open and closed quietly. A few minutes later John laid down. I turned on my side facing him and opened my eyes.

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