Chapter 3

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AN: I know it's not Saturday, but I'm going to visiting some family and I don't know if I'll be able to post a new chapter then, so here's the new chapter

The next morning I woke up and was getting a cup of coffee when there was a knock at the door. Papa went to answer it as I took a sip of the steaming liquid. I soon walked out of the kitchen and headed for my room to get ready for work when I stopped seeing John at the door talking to Papa.

“And if I go get a warrant, in the investigation of Harvey Dent's murder? Would that still count as unscheduled?” John asked Papa and my eyes went wide. 

What was going on?

“Come on in then, Officer Blake” Papa said and turned to me, “Could you take him to the study, so he can wait for Master Wayne?”

I nodded my head. 

“Follow me” I said and walked towards the double doors that lead to the study. 

John followed me and sat down on the couch. 

“What's going on John?” I asked him from where I stood. 

“Gordon was shot last night by someone. Something's going on, Lily, and I think Bruce might be able to help” John said looking at me with a serious look on his face. 

I nodded and looked up to see Bruce walking in.

“What can I do for you, Officer?” Bruce asked walking into the room.

John jumped and looked at Bruce. I left the room, but I stood by the door and cracked it a bit to see, and listen in on their conversation.

“Commissioner Gordon's been shot” John said. 

“I'm sorry to hear that” Bruce said.

“He chased a gunman down into the sewers. When I pulled him out he was babbling about an underground army. A masked man called Bane” John said as Bruce walked over to a window.

Underground army? Bane? Could it be those voices I had heard in the sewers when I was searching for the Penguin belong to this Bane and his underground army? Could it also be the reason why the Penguin had left the sewers to the Ice factory?

“Shouldn't you be telling your superior officer about this, or Batgirl?” Bruce asked.

“I did. One of them asked me if he saw any giant alligators down there. Batgirl, I'll tell her whenever I see her again. He needs you” John said and paused for a second, “He needs Batman”

“Commissioner Gordon thinks” Bruce began, but was cut off by John. 

“He doesn't know or care who you are” He said and took a breath, “But we, uh met before. Not when I stayed here, but it was a long time ago when I was a kid at St. Swithins. It used to be funded by the Wayne foundation. It's an orphanage. My Mom died when I was small in a car accident, I don't really remember it, but uh my Dad got shot a couple of years later over a gambling debt and I remember that one, just fine. Not a lot of people knows what it's feel like, do they? To be angry in your bones”

“I mean they understand, foster parents, everybody understands for awhile, but then they want the angry little kid to do something that he knows he can't do, move on. So after a while they stop understanding. They send the angry kid to a boys home. I figured it out a little to late. You gotta learn to hide the anger, practice smiling in the mirror. It's like putting on a mask. So you show up this one day, the cool car, pretty girl on your arm. We were so excited. Bruce Wayne, billionaire orphan! I mean we used to make up stories about you. Legends and you know to the other kids that what all of it was only stories”

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