HTSCF CH 053 You're just blind.

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A/N: Thank you for your patience, readers! I am not sick anymore and some of my real life stuff was dealt with lol. This arc is 11 chapters long and it's partly inspired by guide/sentinel arcs found in some BL QTs... Just a little. Mixed with Western fantasy elements. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy~ 🤗

Special thanks to Nix for beta reading this arc! 🤗

Perhaps having experienced spiritual powers, which were similar to magic, or he was a genius at magic, Jun reached the level of Archmage and completed magic training in a mere 7 years. Then again, when it came to spiritual powers and magic, such abilities came so naturally he suspected his origin world held similar properties.

Whatever the case, Jun returned to Limbo to find System 00 fatter again. Now he was the size of a soccer ball attached with a newly grown little devil's tail. What the system needed to grow was some eyes and a mouth at least. It always felt strange to have conversations with a talking furball, but it was better than talking to himself.

"Host! You're back so early this time!"

Jun tried not to laugh at the bouncing ball. "Um, yeah, it was pretty easy."

"As expected of my Host!" System 00 fluttered about for a while, flaunting what Jun assumed to be his ass and acting like he was waiting for something to be said. Jun stayed silent, making the system slump and shrivel up like a prune in disappointment. This play garnered a reaction from Jun—disgust—who didn't know the system could do something like that.

"Boohoo, does the Host not notice anything different about the System?"

While cringing, Jun nodded. "I noticed."

System 00 reinflated and floated up to Jun's face. "And...???"

"You look... Nice." Jun scratched his chin.

System 00 twirled around the space in happiness, before stopping in front of Jun again. "Then does the Host wish to take a 30-minute break or proceed to the next world?"

"To the next world."

Even though he was told to wait for Azazel and Elior, he felt it was always the other way around. They were waiting for him so he'd best hurry.

"Right-o! Transferring to the world 'Of Swords and Shields' in 30, 29, 28..."

The System seemed to have gotten even odder after its upgrade. Other than becoming more ugly cute, Jun wondered what the upgrade even did for the system. Eh, probably nothing good.

When Jun opened his eyes to the new world, he was greeted with absolute darkness, almost like being in Limbo except without the "stars." Had he been kidnapped and was in someone's basement?

|No, Host... You're just blind. Why do you always think you're being kidnapped?|

|... Excuse me!?|

|Excuse you.|

|Is it fixable?|

|I'm not sure. Maybe?|

|Maybe? What exactly did you gain from your upgrades?|

|Host, the last upgrade enabled me to give you Side Missions! This latest upgrade allows me to give you a detailed map of the world so you'll never be lost (again)!|

|Why is the 'again' in parentheses? When have I ever been lost?|

|Um... Nearly every world?|

|Fine, great. So now you have GPS.|

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