HTSCF CH 057 The Two Perverts's Awakening

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After camping out a whole week, Jun was ready to build their home. With some help from Ophelia, they promptly morphed and combined the collected wood into the design of a house Jun drew up earlier. Aurelius and Raven were once more amazed by Jun's skills. He could become a well-paid artist if he wanted to!

The completed house had two stories. The first floor contained the kitchen and dining area, the living room, a storage room, and Ophelia's bedroom with an attached bathroom. The second floor had Jun's bedroom, a shared bathroom, and Aurelius and Raven's bedroom. Those two were brothers who weren't unfamiliar with sharing a room.

Jun's room was the largest, which had been intentional. He knew that sooner or later Aurelius and Raven would find their way into sharing a room with him. He might as well be prepared. This was perhaps the first world where they took the longest time pursuing him, but the change was nice. While he could, he would relish his peace before the awakening of those two perverts.

As always, Jun jinxed himself. A week after the house was built, he was abruptly dragged into the two men's room and proposed to.

"Let's get married. I know you love me and I love you too." Both men insisted at the same time.


It wasn't even a proposal but straight to marriage? Then again this was how marriages worked in this world, which was a private affair that concerned only those involved and merely required the exchange of a hair bracelet as a love token.

Jun felt the two hair bracelets in his hands. Raven had long hair so he could understand, but wasn't Aurelius's hair somewhat short? When did he find time to grow hair and make a hair bracelet? And why was it always straight to marriage!? It wasn't like dating didn't exist in this world!

Then again, they'd already been married before so what did it matter? Wait, there was something that Jun was still sour about.

His lips set in a frown, Jun confronted Aurelius. "What about those women of yours?"

"What women?"

"The ones from your old party. Didn't you have something with them?"

Aurelius clenched his fists, furious. "If you're talking about those women, then all I had was a give and take relationship with them. I protected them while they healed and purified me. Nothing else."

Aurelius believed they were at least companions, if not friends, but from the moment he woke and discovered he had been found alone by Jun and Ophelia, he knew he had been abandoned by his party. He surmised they determined him no longer useful. After all, there were plenty of Swords on the continent.

Sensing the slightly gloomy atmosphere, Jun waved his hands. "It's not that important, it's all in the past—"

Aurelius grabbed Jun's hands and peered into his eyes with all seriousness. Though Jun couldn't see it, he could "see" it. He was hurt. "I only love you. You know it can only ever be you. It'll always only be you."

A part of Jun felt guilty and his heart ached. He did always have a bad habit of teasing this man, and this time he might have gone over the line. They both didn't notice Raven's gloomy mood.

"I'm sorry," Jun said. "I know now... But I don't have any bracelets ready..."

Aurelius rubbed Jun's hand in a lingering and caressing manner. He leaned in close and whispered huskily into Jun's ear. "I'll help you cut your hair."

There it was—the pervert had emerged, which meant the man already got over it.

Raven took Jun's free hand and laid a searing, too-long kiss on the knuckles, his eyes darkened with intent. "I'll teach you how to make the bracelet."

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