HTSCF CH 003 It's impossible to avoid the female protagonist.

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Beta: Jeannette

Inside a classroom with no windows, Jun was hiding. He chose this classroom knowing that there'd be no class during the start of the apocalypse. There was only one door, and it was already locked from the inside and barricaded with several tables and chairs. Jun had on hand a week's worth of supplies, and it should be more than enough because he knew that in three days, the military would come to rescue people.

That was good because he didn't want to think about having to answer nature's calls for too long. Slapping his forehead, he lamented that he hadn't thought things through and chose a location without a bathroom.

Outside the room, the sounds of screams, wailing, people running, odd scraping along the floor and walls could be heard, accompanied by some inhuman groans and roars. Several times, the door was tried or banged against, and it had only been an hour since the apocalypse began. Although Jun felt terrible for abandoning others for his own survival, he really wanted to make it through the first day of the apocalypse.

The last 6 months had been rewarding but having to always be on the alert of impending death even before the apocalypse, his heart had grown a bit weary and cold over time. Wasn't this already like losing himself even before facing punishment for failing his mission? Jun made a promise then and there that after being rescued he'd focus less on his survival but on others as well.


|It's ok, I'm ok.|

Someone desperately slammed on the door, begging to be let inside, and Jun clenched his eyes shut, his hands covering his ears. He was, after all, just a normal person. His existence wasn't extraordinary nor did he wish for it to be. He just wanted to live a peaceful life.

Three days later the military arrived, and Jun was amongst those rescued along with Dahlye. They were placed in the same military truck and both looked equally haggard, though Jun was a little better off.

"Dahlye, thank goodness you're safe." Jun gave her a long hug. Towards this sister, he had no hard feelings nor did he have deep feelings, but she was the female protagonist, who would survive, so he had to respect her. That and Dahlye had a good heart, with no intention of killing him. His storyline death had nothing to do with her.

"You... Why didn't you die?"


|D-d-dearest Host! I'm sensing some deep animosity from the female protagonist! Please be careful!|

"What are you talking about, Dahlye?" Jun asked.

"You were supposed to die for me," Dahlye responded very vehemently.

|System, this is a reborn female protagonist right?|

Before the female protagonist was reborn, Jun Taylor didn't have any run-ins with her and was presumed missing, dead, or a zombie. Other than her experiences before rebirth, she shouldn't know anything about the original's self-sacrifice.

|Yes, yes, yes.|

|Are you 100% certain?|

|... Uh, let me double-check.|

In the meantime, Jun smiled at Dahlye and released her from his hug. "You must be in shock from what happened—"

"No! You were supposed to die for me!" Dahlye insisted with narrowed eyebrows and clenched fists. "How? This isn't right..."

As she continued to mutter to herself, Jun backed up out of reflex and sat far away from her.

|Dearest Host, it's terrible! The female protagonist has changed!|

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