HTSCF CH 061 The Sword Hero (NSFW)

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A/N: NSFW in the middle lol

The burn scar of a Dark Omen was neither an internal or external injury, merely what Jun suspected to be the result of a force of nature. After curing several Dark Omens, he noticed they shared one similarity, an aptitude for earth magic, which was why the curing required a combination of light, water, and earth magic.

Those three of Sofia Magdalen's party more than likely had an aptitude for earth magic, which was confirmed the moment Jun checked their bodies while curing them. Because curing Dark Omens required a delicate sense of control, involving the use of three kinds of magic at the same time, Ophelia, who presently could only do dual combinations of magic, wasn't able to assist her daddy.

Once the last Dark Omen was cured, everyone other than those of Jun's party had their world views overthrown. But if Dark Omens could be cured, why was Jun still blind?

Noticing their confusion, Jun eased their curiosities."My case might be unique."

After all, no other Dark Omen had a handicap in addition to having a burn scar.

|Dearest Host, you've unlocked another Side Mission: Cure 100 Dark Omens!|

| Again...?|

|Are you unhappy, Host?|

|The Side Missions this time seem awfully easy and catered to me...|

Nevertheless, Jun held no intention of complaining. The more Side Missions there were the more he could interrogate his shady system.

|Just so the Host knows, the ones from before count towards the mission, so at the moment the progress is 44/100.|

|...Heh.| Even better.

As soon as all the Dark Omens were solved, the times the two parties ran into Dark Flames significantly lessened, but Jun was never thanked by them. Not that he desired their gratitude but couldn't they have granted him the least bit of courtesy? Except for the two ex-Swords, the rest of Sofia Magdalen's party seemed to have developed a fear of him.

Not that Jun cared. The innumerable Dark Flames were a bit of a nuisance to their family vacation, and he was glad to be free of most of them. The remainder of the journey to Gondoa was pleasant, Sofia Magdalen's party having stopped trying to communicate with them, and it wasn't long before Gondoa appeared on the horizon.

Both Ophelia and Jun were seeing Gondoa for the first time, and they were impressed by its high circular walls, fortified by numerous watchtowers, surrounded by a rich forest, much different from a port city like Illia. Gondoa's central gate wasn't mechanical though its operation required a certain number of wind Mages, something Jun probably could have done on his own.

Regardless, they had to pay an extravagant fee to enter. Jun lamented it to be a good thing that he married rich, else how could he continue to fund his milk tea addiction. That fee was equivalent to an entire year's worth of milk tea! A year! Gritting his teeth, he unwillingly handed over the gold tokens.

Except, he wouldn't let go.

"Sir?" The gatekeeper dealing with Jun raised an eyebrow, his hand engaged in a game of tug of war with the young man before him.

Ophelia sweatdropped. How could anyone other than herself, her father, and her dad possibly understand that her daddy converted money into milk tea? Eventually, Jun had to be "persuaded" away by Ophelia, while Aurelius and Raven were trapped between being half apologetic, half infuriated, unable to decide whether or not to seek "justice" for their beloved.

Before arriving at the Central Gate, Jun put his blindfold back on, but he didn't attract much attention, at first. Gondoa was a city boasting a population of over 100,000, so unless he did something to stand out intentionally, he could blend into the background. However, Raven and Ophelia, both sporting intricate masks, combined with Jun's stunt with the gatekeeper garnered some scrutiny.

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