HTSCF CH 033 Boxers or briefs?

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The next day Jun woke up early to go shopping. Since he was still a high school student living in T City, which had a good public transportation system, it was easy to explore and figure out where things were as everything was convenient and within walking distance. There was a small neighborhood market that suited his needs just a 10 minute walk away from his apartment.

After spending about a half-hour shopping for some food goods and other necessities, he was about to return home when he passed a milk tea shop.


When was the last time Jun had freshly shaken milk tea made by bobaristas? Too long ago. But it was still too early and the shop was not open. He lamented over the fact milk tea shops opened so late! Head down, Jun listlessly returned home to have a simple breakfast of instant noodles with an egg and some vegetables.

(A/N: If y'all don't know what a bobarista is... then you've never had milk tea.)

Fei Lan didn't have any summer homework and the milk tea shop wouldn't open for another couple of hours, so Jun could only log into ADAS and grind some more exp, not realizing that he had become a little famous. Whenever a player re-entered the game, they would always start at the same point: Magnolia City.

At the sight of the red-haired young man with the name <no milk tea, no life> above his head, the people around immediately started whispering among themselves.

"Is that him?"

"That's him, that's him!"

A few girls giggled. "Should we talk to him?"

Confused but unbothered, Jun was about to teleport to Augustine Forest, when a woman's voice stopped him.

"Hey, milk tea boy!"

He turned around to see a voluptuous woman with purple-gray hair and a charming smile, her brown eyes twinkling with amusement. Above her head read: <Boxers or briefs?>

"You are?"

"Can't you tell?"

He stared at the player's name again and tilted his head. "Both."

"Oh my gosh, exactly!" The woman exclaimed. "We should be friends. Add me?" Before he could stop her, she reached for his hands and shook them with vigor. It was that easy to add friends in ADAS. Then she sent him a private message.

[Boxers or briefs?: I'm Oriana. What's your name?]

At the sight of the familiar name, Jun paused. It couldn't be the same person, right? Many people had the same name—just look at his first two incarnations.

[no milk tea, no life: You can call me Jun. Why do you want to be my friend?]

[Boxers or briefs?: Are you kidding? Just look at our player names! We're meant to be friends, I know it.]

[no milk tea, no life: Ok...?]

[Boxers or briefs?: Want to level up? I know a place with an even better exp gain than Augustine Forest.]

In a way, he was a new player too, because of the lack of the original's memories. He had only found Augustine Forest after quickly browsing through a guide of the game. Other aspects that would take time to discover, such as a secret dungeon, were beyond him.

[no milk tea, no life: Ok, lead the way.]

Oriana sent Jun a party request and he accepted, then she teleported them to the outskirts of Shane Town and started trekking up the snow-covered mountain path. While he was trailing behind, Jun searched for Oriana's information and was surprised by the results.

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