HTSCF CH 052 Emil & Freyr

846 44 13

"What's with this stench?"

The moment Skye Lennox heard these words, he was, of course, offended. Any normal person wouldn't like others to perceive themselves as smelly. As a transmigrator who read the novels, he knew what his pheromones smell like: a light garden aroma, fragrant but not overwhelming, sweet, the kind that lingers and makes you desire more. Yet, Niall Atlas called it a "stench?"

"Too disgustingly sweet," Niall grumbled. "Babe, come here."

"What am I? An air freshener?" Despite his griping, Jun obediently walked over to Niall, who immediately wrapped his arms around him and buried his face into his neck to inhale the cleansing pheromones.

Feeling his irritation subsiding and his nose declogging, Niall exhaled a sigh of relief and kissed Jun's nape. "I can breathe again. Thanks, babe."

"That'll be one—no, three—milk teas." Jun smiled and held up three fingers.

"Don't sell yourself so cheap, babe." Niall held Jun's hand and traced the infinity symbol on his palm.

Blushing, Jun hurried over to where the omegas were bunched together. Using his spiritual powers, he constructed a giant boat paddle and commenced whacking away any muddled alpha that got too close. Cyrus ran over to help Jun while shouting at Niall: "You go give that idiot an inhibitor!"

Indignant, Niall snarled, "Why me?"


There was no way Cyrus would admit his soreness over Niall one-upping him. When did that low EQ guy learn to be romantic? In any case, someone had to do it. Why not Niall? Cyrus was already in position next to Jun, so with much dramatic reluctance, Niall dragged his feet to search for an inhibitor.

"Um..." One of the omegas spoke. "I have an inhibitor... But I'm not sure it'll work on Skye Lennox..."

"Anything is worth a try." Jun thanked him and took the inhibitor, giving it to Cyrus, who flung it at Niall. With the inhibitor clutched in his fist, Niall leaped to where Skye Lennox sat and injected him with it while pinching his nose. Directly after, he returned to Jun's side and held him with his face burrowed into Jun's neck.

Although the inhibitor wasn't 100% effective, it lessened the effects of Skye Lennox's heat to the extent some stronger alphas managed to recover their sanity. After assessing the situation, they understood what had transpired and a few even thanked Jun for protecting their omegas. Others were disgusted or too embarrassed, wishing to disappear or blend into the background.

The Emperor almost wanted to murder his son and Skye Lennox. Of all days and of all the things they could have perpetrated, they chose something so humiliating. Worst of all, they failed at what they strived to accomplish! The Emperor ordered his private guards to capture and put the Crown Prince and his Crown Princess under house arrest.

It was then the broadcast ended abruptly, but it was too late, and the entire royal family had lost face. Skye Lennox suffered the worst backlash from netizens when he tried to whitewash himself, claiming to be a victim. Whether he was a victim or not, there was no changing the fact he was caught smirking in satisfaction on the live broadcast.

By the end of the night, once everything was settled, Jun received a notification from the System.

|Congratulations on completing the Side Mission, dearest Host. When you return to Limbo, you can ask me any question and I will answer as truthfully as possible!|

|As possible, eh?|

|This System is under certain restrictions, so I will answer as much as I'm allowed.|

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