HTSCF CH 026 You can look but can't touch. (NSFW)

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Beta: Jeannette

A/N: Huzzah for a normal chapter title! NSFW warning in this chapter. Is it too much? Well, this is the smut arc!

"You what?" Leo was livid, in disbelief, and a bit broken-hearted. He, too, had seen the look in Sorrel's eyes. While the other beastmen didn't care much as long as they could be with Sorrel, having to share him with so many others had always been a bitter situation for Leo. Wasn't he the first in his heart? He thought it to be the case when they first met and he rescued Sorrel from impending death. "You can't."

"Why not? Isn't it a good thing for a female to have many strong males to protect them? And I can tell he's stronger than you."

Sorrel didn't realize how hurtful his words were. When he first came to this world, he was scared and confused. On earth, he had been a socially withdrawn nobody that was a closet homosexual, but here, even if he was labeled a "female," he was special and wanted by all the handsome men in this world.

In due course, whoever he wanted, he got. This was a dream come true for him, and over time he had lost his original self, drunk from being spoiled by many men and things always going his way. He had forgotten about compassion and had grown proud, but it would only be revealed when he didn't get what he wanted.

"Unless you want to die, I suggest you forget about that beastman," Leo warned. "He has a mate, a female."

"You mean a failed female." Sorrel corrected. "Who knows if he can even get pregnant?"

Another part of Sorrel's arrogance was his fertility rate. After becoming mates with Leo, he became pregnant right away and even gave birth to a female beastman. This had further raised his status. Afterward, he would always get pregnant each time he mated with someone. He was even pregnant now.

"They obviously don't care about that," said  Leo.

In terms of appearance, Faye looked nothing like a female. He was big—tall—and not soft at all and even carried beast characteristics like male beastmen. Though he was good-looking, no one would ever mistake him for a female, even those wild beastmen.

"How do you know?"

"I know. For your own safety, I recommend avoiding those three from now on."


"You'll be killed," Leo cautioned again. This, he was certain of. Hadn't those two verbally insulted females when he first met them? Now that they had their own precious "female" they probably detested normal females even more. "And not only will I be unable to save you, nobody will," Leo added before leaving Sorrel with the others to head to the city council hall.

As for Jun and his two mates, they were well on their way home, ready to work on making some dried tea leaves for him to use and finally prepare himself some milk tea after 3 whole years. He was starting to hate the number 3, but he was part of a threesome so he let it go.

|Congratulations, dearest Host! The Hidden Mission's progress is now at 25%. Please keep working hard to ensure a lifetime of peace with your men.|

What was a lifetime? Only a few hundred years. After consuming so many colossal cores, Jun had become a monster that could live several hundred years if he survived the Main Mission and Hidden Mission. He didn't know how to feel about that after dying so quickly in the previous worlds.

In regards to the increase in progress for the Hidden Mission, Jun had a pretty good idea of what influenced it. At this rate, wouldn't he not have to do anything and just sit back to let the protagonist ruin everything for himself? Terrific! He almost wanted to laugh diabolically but didn't want to fail at it.

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