snow storm

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i look out at the snow covered ground
shining against the sky making night
look much more brighter than it should be

as the snow continues to fall
the apples of my cheeks lift
the corners of my mouth
pulling up into a smile

the longer i sit and watch the soft flakes
stack themselves on one another
i realize that i am finally happy again
my heart feels light and so does my soul
i am finding the new me
just a girl standing with snow at her feet

the snow storm was a sign from above
cleansing me from all the pain and grief
that was wasted on someone
who didn't even deserve the love i gave them

this girl doesn't care what
people say about her anymore
she knows who she is
and she knows her worth
she is becoming who she
has always wanted to be

she is grateful that the snow
covered her slate
and wiped it clean

The Girl Who Weeped Like A WillowWhere stories live. Discover now