22 reasons why

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reasons why I want to be with you
1. You are the first person on my mind when I wake up.
2. You are my last thoughts before falling asleep at night.
3. You make me anxious but in a way that I like it.
4. When you text me I get all giddy like a high school girl.
5. I love our conversations and how we could talk for hours given the time.
6. When I'm with you, I have no other worries in the world. It's like you take them all away.
7. I love the way you hug me and hold onto me so tight.
8. You make me feel safe and content.
9. Ever since our fist kiss I haven't wanted to kiss anyone else but you.
10. I can't bring myself to be attracted to anyone else.
11. You've changed the way I see things in life.
12. My biggest fear has become losing you.
13. I love your smile and the way it lights up your entire face.
14. I love how you giggle all the time.
15. Your voice is the most comforting sound I've ever heard and I wish I could hear it everyday.
16. I see myself having a future with you.
17. You make me feel so happy when you're around and it's something I don't get to feel often.
18. You're kind and sweet.
19. You're funny.
20. You make me feel confident in myself.
21. You're a great father, which is something I really admire.
22. The fact that you're absolutely adorable is a bonus.

i wrote these down when I believed in us,
believed in you. now, there's nothing left at all.

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